Group study - Women view - Did you know? - Heritage

the Prophet - Companions - People of Allah - Barriers


'The Barriers from Al-Mohaimen are four' (qasida 5:16)

This is the motto of this section, which is for talking about the barriers that cuts off the Moslems' relations with Allah [Al-Mohaimen which is a name of Allah that means the Dominant who controls everything]. We need to know these barriers in order for us to be able to avoid or rectify them in our path to Allah.

This section started with a question from one of our viewers, which he sent to the Discussion page. We then found out that it is a big issue that needs more extensive discussion. We found a book made out of a research conducted by a group of brothers which took them 2 years to complete. This book discusses this subject extensively from the point of view of sayyidi Fakhraddin because it was made with the help of some of his older companions. The book's title is "al-Morshid al-Wagis" which means [the summarized guide].

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A continuation from previous issues:


Who closes the air windows?


I went to my friend while I was in a strange condition that is close to madness. I found him writing something in a paper in front of him. I was curious to know what he was writing. I asked him for a glass of water, so he went to get it. I hurried to see what he was writing, but I only found a title for unwritten yet words. The title took me for a while until he touched my shoulder and said: The water… the water. I came to my senses and noticed the water glass in his hand. I did not apologize for my intrusion, rather I said: What are these words, man? What is this total flip over? After the talk about the religion and the straight path, you write "Me and my Beloved"… and I looked at him as if I was saying: And you pretend to be a sheikh. And I asked him: Who is she? He laughed at me and said: You do not understand a thing.

I said with anger: Ok explain to me. He answered "the word 'I' is not about me, it is about the I-ship" [this is a Sufi word, driven from the word 'I' that talks about a state in the saint levels, which is related to very high saints and prophets]. He continued "as for the word 'my beloved', it is about myself, as nothing is more loved by you than your self, except if…" and I did not let him continue his talk. I interrupted him saying "I will not be able to match you, please explain this to me next time. But now I am coming to you with open windows in my head. Air is passing through these windows, and I want to close it to feel worm. So who can close ot for me?" He answered "O, man, Do you think; I have nothing else to do?" I said "Do it as a favor, and gain the reword from Allah". I held my head and said "My head is stuffed… I will tell you about the windows all together and you answer as you like on any window you choose:"

"The first widow:

If anyone did the prayers, the fasting, the almsgiving, and the Hajj, I mean performed all Shari'a, the five pillars of Islam, is not that enough? Is not that the whole religion?

The second window:

The issue of visiting the shrines [Maqam], as you say, and what the people do inside there of supplication and asking for help, is not that polytheism? Did not the Prophet [PPBUH] said (If you ask for something, then ask Allah. And if you ask for help, then ask Allah)… beside the issue of saying "Shy-lel-lah" [something for Allah], what is the meaning of Shy-lel-lah?"

I stopped talking feeling that a big load was removed off my chest. He looked at me and said "Whatever I know of these windows, I will tell you about it, and whatever I do not, we would someone more knowledgeable, Ok?" I nodded my head in agreement. He said:

Let us start with the basis of the religion or the origin of the religion 'the Oneness' as one of the righteous people said [talking about the Oneness is wrong, and being silent about it is wrong. Meaning what? Meaning that 'the Oneness' is not talking but it is meanings and feelings the grow inside you through knowledge and Fiqh. As sheikh Fakhreddin said:

[Verily, in the 'Oneness', the exactness of al-Mathany [the doubles]

The knowledgeable of the 'Oneness' seeks the meanings] 65/1

The main condition for embracing Islam is to say [There is no god but Allah] and you stop?! Would that be right? The people of the scripture also say [There is no god but Allah]. Then the condition for embracing Islam is admitting the Godhood to Allah, Almighty, and Message to our Master, the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]. So you say [There is no god but Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah]. This the word of the Oneness that Islam started with. And because they loved our Master, the Prophet [PPBUH], they believed in him and in what he says. At that time there were no due prayers, almsgiving, fasting or Hajj in the same way that Islam laid out later. So, did they first believed or first loved?! Of course, they knew sayyduna the Prophet [PPBUH] first, they loved him, then they believed in him. So the basis of Islam is loving, which leads to following. And loving is not by mind… do you follow? Allah, Almighty said in His Holy Book to our master the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] [Say: If you love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you] Aal-Imran 3:31. This means that loving leads to following, it also mean that the evidence of loving Allah is following the our Master, the Messenger of Allah, [PPBUH]… is this clear?

Ok… sayyduna the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] said (Love Allah for what He feeds you of His grace, and love me for the love of Allah, and love my family for my love).

I interrupted him saying: So you mean that the love for the Prophet's Family is a love for Allah. He answered: that is a fact… is this window closed? I said: Only half of it, the other half is still opened, which is the connection between this talk and what I asked you about. He answered: Does this mean: we agreed that the way to Allah starts with the love for Ahl-al-Bait [the family of the Prophet]. I said: Yes. He said: As for the Hadith that you mentioned part of it, you did like who said that Allah said [O, you who believed, do not come near the prayes] an-Nisa' 4:43, and he stopped, and did not complete the verse, because he wanted to ruin the religion of Allah. The same way, just by the way of a Hadith from the Prophet [PPBUH]. The first one left the rest of the verse, and you left the beginning of the Hadith. The beginning of the Hadith is (Keep Allah, He will keep you. Keep Allah, you will find Him in your direction. If you ask…) to the end of the Hadith. So, in order to ask Allah for everything and ask Him only for help, I have to do two things: first to know how to keep Allah so that He keeps me. Then to keep Allah so that he becomes in my direction. At that time I can ask Allah for everything, and ask him only for help.

I interrupted him saying: our Lord says in the Fateha [You, we worship, and You we ask for help]. He answered: again… again? Complete the verse [Guide us to the straight path. The path of those on whom You bestowed Your grace, not those who earned Your anger nor those went astray] Amen… So if asking help is only from Allah, then why do we ask him to show us the straight path - of those on whom our Lord has bestowed His grace - our lord says in His Holy Book [seek the help in patience and prayer. Lo! Allah is with the patient] al-Baqarah 2:153. as for the saying of sayydi Moses [PBUH] [Moses said to his people: ask Allah for help and be patient] al-Aaraf 7:128. At the time of sayydi Moses, was there anyone else, a messenger or one of Oly-al-Azm [those who had firmness] of the messengers other than sayydi Moses? There was not. So his saying is teaching us to be polite with Allah… as the absolute seeking help is from Allah, Almighty, but no one knows how except a messenger, a prophet, or a great saint. Sayydi Moses [PBUH] said that to show those who are bad from those who are good among them. As whoever believed in him will come to him seeking his help to know how to seek Allah's help. So they will get the help of sayydi Moses [PBUH] because he is the only way for them to Allah, Almighty. But the bad ones of them and of the others will say: seeking help is only from Allah, and they would not know anything of what is said, but they will just be stubborn. So do not be stubborn, did not you here this saying:

[You disobey Allah while you clam his love

that is, by my life, is a very good measure]

[If you really loved Him, you would have obeyed him

Verily, the love is obedient to whom he loves]

So, do you understand… the one with the windows? Do we have a closed window?


Written by Ahmed Abbas

Translated by Sameh