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'They are people with high status prestige' (qasida 15:48)

This is the motto of this section, which is for talking about the companions and beloved ones to our prophet Mohammad [PPBUH].

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Az-Zubair ibn al-Awwam [AAH]

The Disciple of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]


The Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] said (for each messenger there is a disciple, and my disciple is az-Zubair). The Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] also said (Talha and az-Zubair are my neighbors in paradise). Mohamed ibn Abdel-Rahman ibn Nawfal said "az-Zubair ibn al-Awwam embraced Islam while he was 8 year old, and he immigrated while he was 18 years old. Az-Zubair's uncle used to hang az-Zubair in a straw mat and smoke him with fire saying: Go back to disbelief. But az-Zubair would say: I will never disbelieve".

Amro ibn Musaab said "az-Zubair fought with the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] while he was 12 years old, and he used to attack the enemies". Ali ibn Zaid said "Someone who have seen az-Zubair told me that he had in his chest like eyes from being hit and stapped". There is no mentioning of Talha except with mentioning az-Zubair with him, and vice versa. As when the Messenger [PPBUH] made brothers of the companions in Mecca before Hijra, he made Talha and az-Zubair brothers. The Messenger [PPBUH] used to talk about them together like when he said (Talha and az-Zubair are my neighbors in paradise). Both of them are relatives to the Messenger: Talha is related to the Messenger in Murra ibn Kaab by marriage, and az-Zubair is related to the Messenger through their grandfather Qusay ibn Kullab and also his mother Safiya is the aunt of the Messenger [PPBUH]. Both of them: Talha and az-Zubair were more like each other in acts of life, and they were very similar to each other in growth, wealth, generosity, strong religion, and incredible courage. The both were of the early Muslims and from the ten whom the Messenger gave the good tiding of paradise. They both were from the six councils, to whom Omar relied the choosing of his successor caliph. Even their destiny was perfectly identical, it was even one destiny.

Az-Zubair embraced Islam very early, as he was one of the first seven who hurried out to Islam and participated in its blessed start in al-Arqam house. His age was 15 years at that time. So he was provided the good guidance, the light, and goodness while he was a boy. He was a courageous knight since he was a boy, even the narrators mentioned that the first sword to be drawn in Islam was the sword of az-Zubair. As in the first days of Islam, while Muslims were a few hiding in the house of al-Arqam, one day a rumor was spread: that the Messenger was killed. So az-Zubair draw his sword and carried it and walked in the streets of Mecca, although he was very young. He was like a hurricane, and he went first to make sure and clarify what he heard, intending that if it was true, he would use his sword on all Quraish until he gets them or they get him. Up Mecca, he met the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], the Messenger asked about his conditions. He told him the news. So the Messenger prayed for him with goodness and for his sword with victory.

In spite of the nobleness of az-Zubair, he still got his share of the persecution and torture of Quraish. The one handled his torture was his uncle. He used to wrap him in a straw mat and smoke him with fire until he loses his breath. Then his uncle would call him while he is under this torture "disbelieve in the God of Mohammad and I will stop the torture". Az-Zubair, who was then no more than just a youngster with weak bones, would answer him, in a daring challenge "No, by Allah, I will never go back to disbelieve".

Then az-Zubair immigrates to al-Habasha, the first and the second Hijra. Then he comes back to participate in all the event with the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]. He does not lose a conquest or a battle, and what a big number of stapes his body had and kept it after it healed as medals that tell the heroism and glories of az-Zubair. One of the companions saw these medals crowded on his body, so told us about it "I accompanied az-Zubair in some of his travels, and I saw his body. So it was lined with swords, and in his chest there were like eyes from the hits and stapes. I said to him: O, by Allah, I saw on your body what I have never seen on anyone. He said: Lo! Bu Allah no wound of it, unless with the Messenger of Allah and for the sake of Allah".

In the conquest of Uhod, after the Quraish army turned back towards Mecca. The Messenger entrusted him and Abo-Bakr to follow this army and chase it in order for them to see that Muslims have power, so they do not think of coming back to Medina and resume the fight. Abo-Bakr and az-Zubair led seventy of the Muslims. In spite of the fact that they were chasing a victorious army, yet use good tactics that made Quraish think that they misestimated the Muslims' losses. This chase made them think that this strong front, which Abo-Bakr and az-Zubair made it look the best, is only a front for the army of the Messenger that seemed to be coming after them to make a horrible chase fight. So Quraish hurried up for Mecca. Also in the day of Yarmouk, az-Zubair was an army by himself. As when he saw most of the fighters, whom he was leading, drawing back in front of the mountains of the crawling Romans, he shouted "Allah-u-Akbar" and penetrated these crawling mountains alone, while hitting with his sword. Then turned back among the same horrible line with his glowing in his right hand, does not stumble or flaw. 

He [AAH] was very keen to get martyred, and very fond of dying for the sake of Allah. He used to say "Lo, Talha ibn Ubaid-Allah names his sons after the prophets, while he knew that there is no prophet after Mohammad [PPBUH]. I name my sons after the martyrs, so that they may get martyred". So he named his son: Abdullah ibn az-Zubair, after the martyred companion: Abdullah ibn Gahsh. He named another son: al-Munzir, after the martyr: al-Munzir ibn Amro. He named another son: Urwa, after the martyr: Urwa ibn Amro. He named another son: Hamza, after the great martyr, the uncle of the Messenger [PPBUH], Hamza ibn Abdel-Mottalib. He named another son: Gafar, after the great martyr: Gafar ibn Abo-Talib. He also named a son: Mosaab, after the martyr Mosaab ibn Omair. He also named another son: Khalid, after the martyr companion Khalid ibn Saied, and so on… he kept choosing names for his sons after the martyrs hopping that when their lives end it will end as martyrs.

It was said in his history that he never took the responsibility of an emirate or money collection or anything, except the fighting for the sake of Allah. His merit as a fighter was that he depends on himself, in which, he had full confidence. So even if he was accompanied by a hundred thousand fighters, you would see him fighting alone in the battle, as if fighting and wining was his own responsibility alone. His preference as a fighter was the steadiness, and the firm nerves. He saw the sight of his uncle Hamza on the day of Uhod after the polytheists crowly mutated his body, but he stood highly by it and gnashed his teeth, pressed his sword holder, and was not thinking except in a horrible revenge, which was quickly prevented by the revelation for the Messenger and his companions, not even to think about it.

When the siege on Bani Quraza lasted long with them surrendering, the Messenger [PPBUH] sent az-Zubair with Ali ibn Abo-Talib. So they stood in front of the fortress and said "By Allah we would tast what Hamza tasted, or we would open their fortress". And they threw themselves into the fortress with no body else with them. With very cool nerves they spread the terror in the hearts of the fortified people inside it, and they opened the doors for the Muslims.

Also in the Day of Hunain az-Zubair saw Malik ibn Awf the leader of Hwzan and also the leader of the polytheist army in that conquest while he was standing among a company of fellows with the rest of his defeated army. So he burst into their crowd alone, disunited them alone, and derived them away from their ambush they were preparing for some of the Muslim leaders who were returning from the battle.

He had a great deal of the love and appreciation of the Messenger [PPBUH]. The Messenger [PPBUH] used to be proud of him and say (for each messenger there is a disciple, and my disciple is az-Zubair ibn al-Awwam). That is because he was not just his cousin, and not just the husband of Asmaa bent Abo-Bakr [the one with the two girdles], but he also was the strong, loyal, courageous, gentle man, generous one, who sold himself and his money to Allah, Almighty. Hassan ibn Thabit descriped him good when he said "He stayed on the covenant of the Prophet and his Guidance to His disciples, and his saying was as good as his doing. He stayed on His method and his way; supporting the supporter of the truth, and the truth is most just. He is the famous knight and the hero who used to fight all around in the day of Mahgal [white-footed battle]. He has a close relation to the Messenger of Allah. He has a firmly established glory of supporting Islam. How many battles he was defending the Prophet with his sword, and Allah is the Giving and the More Bestowing. He was with high morals and great merits".

His courage and his generosity were side by side. As he used to run a profitable and successful trade. So he had great wealth. But he spent it all in Islam until he died indebted. He generosity, courage, and self sacrifice came from his reliance on Allah, even at the time of his death. As he was telling his son Abdullah to pay his debts, so he said "if you could not pay back any of my debts, get the help of my Master". Abdullah said "which master do you mean?" He said "Allah, the best Master and the best Supporter". Abdullah said later on "By Allah, I have never been cornered in a bad situation from his debt, unless I said: O, Master of az-Zubair, pay his debt. And it get paid right away".

In the day of "the Camel", it was the end of az-Zubair and his destiny. As when he saw the truth, he left the fight. Some of those who wanted the fire of the trail to continue followed him, and the disloyal one stabbed him while he was in his prayer in between the hands of his Lord. The killer went joyfully to Imam Ali thinking that he was a carrier of good tiding when he tells him that his enemy, az-Zubair, was killed, and when he gives him his sword that he got after he murdered him. But Imam Ali shouted when he was told that the killer of az-Zubair is waiting by his door. Imam Ali ordered his expelling and said "give the killer of the son of Safiya [the Prophet's aunt] the bad tiding of hell". When they brought the sword of az-Zubair to him, he wept and kissed it and said "by Allah, it is a sword that always took away the anguish from the Messenger of Allah".

Is there any salute, we can introduce to az-Zubair [AAH] at the end of our talk about him, better than the words of Imam Ali [AHHF]! So peace be on az-Zubair in his passing away after his life. Peace then peace upon the disciple of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH].

May Allah, by the Beloved, the Adnan, and his generous good kinship, his glory faced companions, gather us with them for now and always, and made us in their company after we die. May He also honor us by our sheikhs and masters, Amen, for us and all our brothers and sisters, amen Amen.

[He dies as a martyr, who loves Mohammad,

his family, and companions, so what a happy dead] 1/135


Edited by az-Zhraa Yasin

Translated by Said


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