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'My Loved ones study my words with each other' (qasida 1:7)

This is the motto for this section, which is for the meanings that come out of the brothers and sisters group studies [Tadarus].

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The intention of the Awwab


[Better in reword than the long riding,

it is the intention of the Awwab and his willingness] 46/11

If we go back to the verse previous to this one, which is:

[Except cordiality, we never asked our beloved

as cordiality is a sublimity and rationality] 46/10

The Awwab is the one who is always returning to Allah's side. So the sheikh never asked us except one asking, that is why he used the words 'except cordiality' before the words 'asked our beloved' to indicate the limitation and restriction, i.e. I never ask the beloved for anything other than that. And the beloved is the one we love, we the people of the house hold [the family], and he loves us back. And what I asked is the cordiality, because by this cordiality he will win the fellowship, the forgiveness, the goodness, and the thanking from Allah. As in this verse [Say: I ask of you no reward, except cordiality (loving kindness) of kinsfolk. And whoso scores a good deed we add unto its good for him. Lo! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most appreciative] al-Shura 42:23.

So the reword of cordiality from Allah is the goodness, the forgiveness, and the thanking. That is why it is more rewording than the long riding, as this is a great reword. The word riding in the Arabic dictionary is the is the travel in the desert searching for food or pasture, for water presence, or turning from water to another or from a country to another. We may say may say this Arabic word, for rider, to everyone looking to travel in Hajj, conquest, or to another city.

When we see this word from a knowledgeable Imam, we know that he means the walk and travel to Allah, i.e. seeking the closeness to Allah. The Imam [AAH] in this meaning as if he is telling us that the cordiality for the priorities is better for what it contains of Allah's giving and content, as the verse stated. So it could be as if he said: O, you, who is seeking Allah, ready to ride for Him and return to His side, and longing for His reword, it is better for you to start with the cordiality. As it is like the intention for the work and the provision for the travel.

[it is the intention of the Awwab and his willingness]


This means that the cordiality is the intention of the Awwab. And any Awwab can not be called so, except if his intention was to repent and return to Allah to get the forgiveness. And cordiality is reworded by the forgiveness and lots more, and it indicates the willingness to accept the guidance. Because whosoever does that, took the initiative and hurried to obey the words of Allah. So if the Awwab is seeking forgiveness, Allah showed us that cordiality is reworded by forgiveness and He increases over that the goodness and the thanking from Him, the Oft-Donating. May Allah make us from the people of cordiality.

[How many time the people of Allah had grants of a donator

and a witnessing for Allah not martyrdom] 46/12

The Lord of all servants, if He gives, do not ask about the reason. As the name "Oft-Donator" is He who gives without reasons. So how many times the people of Allah, who are always busy with His Dhikr, got a grant from His, Almighty, name "Oft-Donator", not because they deserve it, but just as a grant from Allah, Almighty. And as witnessing for Allah, i.e. witnessing of the manifestation of the name Allah, not martyrdom. As the witnessing one is higher in rank than the martyr who died in war. Because he died in the smaller Jihad, but the witnessing one is the one who did the bigger Jihad of himself until he kills it, then Allah endows him with His witnessing, Him, Almighty. May Allah makes us of them and gathers us among their clique.

As if he is saying: No wonder that the reword for the cordiality to the people of the house hold [the family and kinship of the Prophet], is witnessing the Face of Allah, Almighty. And if it is not to be in this worldly life then it is to be won in the hereafter. So how many time the people of Allah have been given this grant by choosing because of this cordiality.

 [the caravan is a sham, and the army, even with a sting,

has gifts that would never be depleted] 46/13

But he [AAH] says to us that the choosing is there, but you need to be with the guaranteed, which is the work and striving. Do not relay on the luck, as taking the spoils without Jihad is a sham on you. Look at the words of Allah [And when Allah promised you one of the two parties, that it should be yours, and you wished that the one without sting should be yours, but Allah desired to establish the truth by His words and to cut off the root of the disbelievers ¤ That He may prove the truth and annuls the falsehood, however much the guilty might dislike] al-Anfal 8:7-8.

Ibn Ageeba [AAH] says: the meaning of this verse is: You want to get money without meeting any hateful thing, and Allah wants to raise the religion, manifest the truth, and what you would gain of both the worldly life and the hereafter. He only did what has done of driving you to the fight [That He may prove the truth and annuls the falsehood], i.e. to grant victory to religion and annuls the falsehood.

In the signs of this verse he said: Allah promised those, who are going in His direction, to reach the secret of privacy, which is the sainthood. But after striving and fighting their own selves. Because the Hadra is not attained except by the people of refinement and training. You would see many people who wish to have it without war or fight. But Allah wants to prove the truth by revealing the veils off the hearts so that they may not witness except the truth. And He wants to annul the falsehood which is the otherness and normally it does not happen until the selves die and gets refined and purified by exercise on the hands of a knowledgeable sheikh.

And we thank Allah for the grace of the sheikh, may He makes last for now and always.

After that he directs our attention to the cause of the victory and spoils, so he says:

[the companions gave in to the judgment of their sovereign

so they won and got the grants and the help] 46/14

As when the companions obeyed their sovereign, who is the honorable Messenger [PPBUH], there were the spoils and the victory. And the story is known about the people of Badr until the honorable Messenger said about them (Allah may have showed to me the people of Badr, and said: Do what you wish, as Allah has forgiven you). So the ear of the Prophet in each era has to be obeyed, and so is the one about whom the Prophet said (Allah sends to this nation on the head of each hundred years, one who revives its religion for it). This one also needs to be obeyed. Whosoever obeys him will be reworded by Allah with victory, spoils, grants, and help. May Allah gives us their love and their obedience, Amen.

We let you in the safe keeping of Allah until the next issue. Peace, mercy and blessing be upon you.

Prayers and Peace be upon the sayyduna Mohammad, his family and kinship, and his companions.


Written by Mohamed Maqboul

Translated by Borhan