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This page is a glossary for the Arabic expressions translation. It is to be used for translators for unification, and also of English readers for explanation.

هذه الصفحات هى قاموس للمصطلحات العربية يستخدمه المترجمين للتوحيد ويستخدمه قراء اللغة الإنجليزية للشرح.

Very common short expressions:



Al-Salatu Ala Al-Nabi

(عليه الصلاة والسلام/ صلى الله عليه وسلم)

'PPBUH' Prayers and Peace Be Upon Him [for the Prophet Mohammad]. This expression can be used for all forms of Al-Salatu Ala Al-Nabi.

Peace Be Upon Him

(عليه السلام)

 'PBUH' [for all prophet brothers of Mohammad] . For plural 'PBUT'.

Allah Accept Him

(رضى الله عنه)

 'AAH' [for all scholars and saints of Allah] . It also mean: may Allah accept him or may Allah be pleased with him. For plural 'AAT'.

In Shaa Allah

(إن شاء الله)

'ISA'. It means: if Allah is willing.

Allah Honored His Face

(كرم الله وجهه)

'AHHF' [for sayyduna Ali ibn Abi Taleb only], because Allah saved him from prostrating or keeling to any one or idol.

سبحانه وتعالى



Names of articles:

Article name


Concealed Secrets

(اكشف لى عن كل سر مكتوم - الهدهد)

it is taken from as-salat adh-Dhatiya [and reveal to me every concealed secret]

Sufism [Ahl Allah]

 (أهل الله - التصوف)

the people who are constantly preoccupied with Allah

Understanding Parenting

(المرأة - التربية ومفهومها)

from the [Women section]

My Drink is Sweet

(التدارس - شرابى عذب)

from [Al-Tadaruos section] which means: the group study of qasaid [qasida 1:7]

Glorifying the beloved

(النبى - تعظيم الحبيب)

from [Al-Nabi section] [qasida 1:196]

In the cradle of the Beloved

(النبى - فى مهد الحبيب)

from [Al-Nabi section]

Opening the Bosom

(النبى - شق صدره)

from [Al-Nabi section]

[Al-Tadaruos] the group study of qasaid [qasida 33:1]


(التدارس - الحج)

from [Al-Tadaruos section] which means: the Pilgrimage


(خدعوا - التبرك)

to get blessings from the prophet 'PPBUH', from other prophets, from his Family members and his Companions

Employment of women

(المرأة - عمل المرأة)

from [the Women section]

Heritage [Al-Turath] (التراث).

It means the books written by the first old scholars and contains the pure non-interpolated understanding of the Quran and Sunna

Teaching children at an early age

(التعلم من الصغر)

from [the Women section]

[Hal Tacalam] (sayyduna Adam)

(هل تعلم)

it means [Did you know?], and it about our great great Grand father the prophet Adam.

 [Hal Tacalam]

(the position of Satan from Adam) 

(هل تعلم)

its about how was the position and attitude of Satan from sayyduna Adam at beginning of creation

Feb 2010

The Birth of the Beloved

(النبى-ميلاد الحبيب)

from [Al-Nabi section]

Feb 2010

[Lel moreid as-sadeq] [Ahl Allah]

(للمريد الصادق - أهل الله)

For an honest disciple.

from [Ahl Allah: the people who are constantly preoccupied with Allah]


Special Expressions

Expression Meaning

هوام Hawam


ديباج Dibag

precious silk

بخ بخ

Bakhen Bakhen

an expression used to express admiration and glory


home/place (حوم من حام يحوم فهو فى الحمى)

قلب أجرد a pure/clean heart (أجرد بمعنى متجرد)
رهط rahat a group of persons (الرهط الجمع)
مرود merwad a kohl stick
حضرة  Hadra Sufi chant
جوارح organs
الفناء  Fanaa loss of self
حظيرة الذكر  a fort of recitation / remembrance
أثار دارسة  effaced reminiscents (هى الآثار التى انطمست)
سرمدى  sarmadi eternal (أبدى)
الرحمة المهداة the Gift of Mercy
فضل الله ورحمته the Virtue and Mercy of Allah
إنسان عين الوجود the Pupil of the eye of the whole existance
لاهوت الجمال the theology of beauty
ناسوت الوصال the origin of the humanity communion
الذات المحمدية اللطيفة الأحدية Mohammad gentle oneness essence
أقل عثرتنا steady us from our stumble
أذهب حزننا وحرصنا remove our sorrow and concern
لواء الحمد the flag of the praise
شفاعه intercession
لا تحرمنا not deny us his intercession

الدنيا   ad-Dunya 

this world
الآخرة   al-Akhera the Thereafter
الغُنْية  self-sufficiency
توارى hide/disappear 
الورى people
هرق الماء spill/pour water
الذرارى  (pl. of ذرية) offspring
الفيافى - البيداء desert
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله There is no strength no power but from Allah

لا إله إلا الله

La Ilaha Illa Allah

(Mohammad Rasoul Allah)

There is no God but Allah, (first part of Tawhyd, where the second part is: Moammad is his messenger)
كرامات miraculous acts
أوراد  Awrad prayers
مسجد Masjid Mosque
الروضة Rawda the place between the Maqam and the Pulpit of the messanger of Allah -'PPBUH'
الصلاة المكتوبة Salat the required prayers
ركعات Rakacat the plural of Rakcah, which is the unit of Salat. e.g. salat al-asr is four rakacat
 مصلى  Musalla place of his salat at home
سلام  salam greetings
الدنيا Dunya this earthly life / worldly life
التقى  Al Toqa Allah-fearingness
الآخرة   Al 'Akhira home of the Hereafter
الحلم toleration
ترويض النفس self-discipline

العلم (علم الله)

knowledge [Allah science]


حديث   Hadith a speech, act, or story of an-Nabi [PPBUH]
الهوى Subjectivity
النفس الأمارة بالسوء Evil Inclined Self
النفس اللوامة Reproaching Self
النفس الملهمة Inspired Self
النفس المطمئنة Reassured Self
النفس الراضية Well Pleased Self
النفس المرضية Well Pleasing Self
النفس الكاملة Complete Self
كرامات miraculous acts
نبى منظر an eternal life prophet
نبى مُعمر a long lifer prophet
علم الباطن divine knowledge
علم الظاهر worldly knowledge


لُمة   (مسه لُمة من الجن تعنى شئ قليل)


روع  (انفخ في روع المريد)


عالم الملكوت angelic world [the world of the seven paradises; the lowest is Al-Ma'wa and the highest is Al-Fardaws]

عالم المثال

The world of ideal forms
التَقْوَى Piety
عاقل Sane  
عثرة Stumble/


(من كثر كلامه كثر سقطه)











a desert Arab

السنة   Sunna

Sunna is all the prophet's acts including his speeches, advices, commands, restrains, acceptances, and rejections

   الشريعةSharica, or Shari'a

the Religious regulations, duties, provisions and treatment of people.




religious 'innovation' / 'novelty'

it could also mean 'heresy' if we are talking about something against Qur'an or Sunna



خليفة (خليفة المسلمين)


خليفة, وريث


متملق ذليل





(name of a bird) ruddy turnstone

عالم الجبروت

the world of power

أمير المؤمنين

the prince of believers

اشعث اغبر

messy-hair, dusty man

الاوامر والنواهي

do's and do not's

التوحيد monotheism  
شفاعة intercession
سمط a piece of cloth
فتح إلهى divine enlightening / disclosure


Obligation, duty





اهل الحبشة










شهاده سماعيه


Titles out of qasaid verses

Qasida verse Meaning

[Ayoha as-sael endi khabaron]

(أيها السائل عندي خبر)

You who ask, I have news

[qasida 8:7]

[Salam ala qawmen bena qad twasalo]

(سلام على قوم بنا قد تواصلوا)

Peace be upon people communicating through us [qasida 1:21]

[Yatadaras al-ahbab fima baynahom qawli]

(يتدارس الأحباب فيما بينهم قولى)

My Loved ones study my words with each other [qasida 47:9]

[Wa ekshefli aCn kol serren maktoum]

(واكشف لي عن كل سر مكتوم)

Reveal to me every concealed secret

[from the Zatiya]

[fahomo olo al-qadr al-galil al-sami]

(فهم أولو القدر الجليل السامي)

They are people with high status prestige [qasida 15:48]

[al-qateacat acn al-Mohaimen arbacon]

(القاطعات عن المهيمن أربع)

The separators from Al-Mohaimen [a name of Allah which means the Dominant who controls everything] are four

[qasida 5:16]

[Fal-tacqelo ya ayyoha al-thaqalani ]

(فلتعقلوا يا أيها الثقلان)

O worlds, be wise

[qasida 2:54]

[Wa bebacd aydihonna kan lewa'i]

(وببعض أيديهن كان لوائي)

And some of the females held my banner

[qasida 6:6]

[Memma rawaho amaged al-aclami]

(مما رواه أماجد الأعلام)

Narrated by the glorified scholars

[qasida 15:47]

[Fecli ahlo-Allah khayron law acalemtom]

(فعل أهل الله خير لو علمتم)

Let it be known that Allah's people always do good deeds. Those are the people who are constantly preoccupied with Allah

[qasida 62:11]

[Howa Ahmad fi qab qawsain engala]

(هو أحمد في قاب قوسين انجلى)

It is Ahmed, stunning on 'one chord to two bows'

[qasida 19:10]

the 'one chord to two bows' is a level even above paradise which is special for sayyiduna Mohammad [PPBUH]

[Fa-manbaro gaddi manbaron mel'eoho al-hoda]

(فمنبر جدى منبر ملؤه الهدى)

The tribune of my grandfather is full of guidance

[qasida 1:176]




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