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Idris (Enoch) [PBUH]
Abu-Hurira narrated that Prophet Mohammad [PPBUH] said (Allah told Adam, when He created him, to go to some angels and greet them by saying “alsalamu alikum” [Peace be upon you]. Adam did and the angels replied “wa-alikum alsalamu wrahmatu Allah wa-barakatuh” [Peace, Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you]. When Adam returned to Allah, he was told that this is to be his greeting and the greeting of all his offspring. Allah closed His hands and asked Adam to choose. Adam preferred Allah’s right hand, and both His hands are right. He opened It to find his picture and the pictures of all his offspring. Everyone has his age written and Adam’s age was one thousand years. Adam asked Allah about some of his offspring who were glowing with light. He was informed that they were Allah’s prophets and messengers who will be sent to Allah's slaves. One man of them was very illuminated and his age was determined to be only 40. Adam asked Allah “O Lord, he is one of the most glowing with light, yet he will only live for forty years?”. He was informed that he was Dawud (David) [PBUH]. Allah said: [that is what I wrote for him]. Adam asked Allah to give Dawud 60 more years taken from his own age). Prophet Mohammad [PPBUH] said (Later when Adam was landed to Earth, he was counting his days, and when the angel of death was sent to him, Adam told him that he still had 60 more years to live. The angel of death replied: "You have nothing left, because you asked Allah to give what was left to Dawud", but Adam denied). Prophet Mohammad [PPBUH] continued (Adam forgot, so his offspring forgets, too. He denied, so his offspring denies, too. This is why Allah has ordered a book to be put and witnesses to be brought). Adam [PBUH] chose his son, Shith, to bear the Trust. He taught him what Allah ordered him to; knowledge and commandments. He ordered him to fight and conquer Qabil (Cain). Allah sent 50 Sheets to Shith [PBUH]. As the light of Prophet Mohammad [PPBUH] has transferred from Adam [PBUH] to Shith [PBUH], it has also transferred to Shith’s son Anosh. When the light of Mohammad was transferred to Anosh's forehead, Shith gave him the Trust and taught him what he has been taught by his father Adam. The light was transfering from one son to the other, until it reached Idris [PBUH]; from Anosh to his son Qinan, to his son Mahla'il, to his son Yard, to his son Akhnokh (Enoch) who was called Idris [PBUH]. Allah says [And relate the story of Idris as mentioned in the Book. He was a truthful man and a prophet. • And we exalted him to a lofty station] Maryam 19:56-57. He was named Idris because of his too-much study of the Sheets (the word Idris is derived from the word Yadres, in Arabic, which means study). They also say that the word truthful in Qur'an means also the veracious who always tell the truth, and his truth is flawless. He is also standing for the truth with not even a breath for anyone other than Allah. Satan once came with some nut to deceive Idris. Satan asked Idris whether Allah is able to put the whole world inside the nut. Idris showed Satan a needle and replied: “Allah is capable of putting the whole world in the hole of this needle” and he scratched Satan’s eye with the needle. Ibn Abbas said “Allah has sent Idris to Qabil’s sons. They were not worshipping Allah but five idols: Wadd, Suwa’, Yaghuth, Ya’uq and Nasr”. Idris [PBUH] used to call them to Allah three days a week. He was very strong and solid in the way he orders and forbids. He was the first man to use a pen and write sheets. He was also the first one to study astronomy and mathematics. He was the first to saw clothes and wear them. While sawing, he used to praise Allah in every stitch. If he forgot to praise Allah in any stitch, he undid it. He was the first one to make a measure. Allah then revealed 30 Sheets to Idris, so he was reciting them day and night. Everyday, the worship elevated for Idris alone was equal to the worship elevated for all other people on earth. He was also teaching people from all knowledge. Angels admired him for what he did, while Satan envied him for it, but was unable to do anything about it. It was narrated that the angel of death took Allah’s permission to visit Idris [PBUH]. He went to him in a human form. Idris asked him who he was. He told him that he was the angel of death and that he took Allah’s permission to visit him. Idris asked him: "I have a favor to ask of you". The angle said: "What is it?". Idris asked him to take his soul at the moment. The angel of death told Idris that he did not have a permission to do so. Allah revealed to the angel of death [I know what is in the heart of my servant Idris, so take his soul]. Therefore, the angel of death took his soul at once. Allah then revived him immediately. Then, Idris asked the angel of death again: "I have another favor to ask you". The angle said: "What is it?". Idris asked the angle to take him to Hell to see its horrors. Allah gave the angel of death the permission todo do so. The angle of death took Idris to the angel of Hell, Malik. Allah revealed to Malik to take Idris to the edge of Hell so that he can see what is inside of it. When Idris saw what was in there, he fainted. Then, the angel of death carried him back to where he was. Since that day, Idris stopped enjoying sleep or food and he devoted himself to worship. Idris married and had a son, whom he named Metushlekh. The light of Prophet Mohammad [PPBUH], in turn, moved from Idris to his son. When his son grew up, Idris took his vows and gave him the Sheets and all what he got before from his fathers. Then, he went to his mihrab and asked Allah to show him Paradise as He showed him Hell. Allah ordered Radwan, the guardian of Paradise, to bend a branch of a tree from Paradise to Idris. Idris hung to this branch and he was raised to sky. Radwan entered Idris into Paradise. When saw what was there of bliss and stayed too long, Radwan told him to get out as he has seen enough of it. Idris refused to get out of it. He said to Rodwan: "Allah said [every soul shall taste death] Al Imran 3:186, and that I have tasted it. And Allah also said [And there is no one of you but will come to it] Maryam 19:72, meaning Hell, and I have already been there. And Allah said [nor shall they ever be ejected therefrom] al-Hijr 15:49, meaning Paradise, and therefore, I would not get out of it". Allah revealed to Rodwan to say to Idris never to get out of it. [And relate the story of Idris as mentioned in the Book. He was a truthful man and a prophet. • And we exalted him to a lofty station] Maryam 19:56-57.
Edited by Ahmed Abbas Translated by Nahed |