'And some of the females held my banner' (qasida 6:6) This is the motto for this section, which is either for the women view points or for the things that matter the most for them. You can find all special expressions in the Glossary. We need your comments to develop this site for you.
The scholar, the politician, the veracious, and the daughter of Abo-Bakr as-Seddiq... The Mother of Believers Aisha [AAH] In the House of an-Nabi [PPBUH]
As soon as they were settled in their new place after Hijra.. And the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] completed the building of the Masjid [Mosque] and the new home.. Abo-Bakr [AAH] talked to Him to complete the marriage that was contracted in Maccah 3 years ago. Sayyda Aisha [AAH] describes her wedding ceremony and says: The Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] came to our house. Men and women from Ansar [the people of Medina] gathered for him. My mother came to me, combed my hair and wiped my face with some water. Then she led me to the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] while He was sitting on a bed in our house.. She said: "here is your family. May Allah bless her for you and bless you for her". All men and women stood up and left. The Messenger of Allah consummated the marriage with me in my house. There were no slaughtering of any camel or sheep. Aisha moved to her new home which was no more than a room built around the Masjid. It was build from adobes and palm leaves. It had a bed made of cloth filled with palm fibers, with nothing separating it from the ground other than a straw mat. Its door was a curtain made of camel hair. In this simple modest house, sayyda Aisha started her loaded married life. As she was a witness to the Islamic events from its first days, she became a witness to the life of the Prophet, the leader, drinking from the well of his knowledge, wisdom, and behavior as much as her mind and intelligence could drink and learn. Sayyda Aisha was always in the middle of the life, religious, and political battlefield:
As much as she was busy with her battles during her life, so were the orientalists and the slanderers with her during her life and after her death:
We could have just ignored their falsified clams, as this marriage was very common before and after the Prophet got married to sayyda Aisha. Also, the environment of the Arabian peninsula gets the girls to be mature at an early age on the contrary to the European environment against which they compare. The orientalist Budly realized that after he visited the Arabian peninsula. When he came back from his visit, he said: "Aisha, in spite of her young age, was maturely growing up that fast growing up that the Arab women have. This kind of marriage is still an Asian, east European, tradition. It was also normal in Spain and Portugal up a few years ago". On the other hand, what do we care about those orientalists? when we know that Aisha [AAH] herself belonged to the highest houses of the Arabian peninsula, the most eloquent folks, and the most self-confident and authoritative women. So, if she accepted this marriage and talked very proudly about it, what do others know!? This fair orientalist Budly said: "from the moment she set foot in the house of Mohammad, everyone felt her presence. If there was a woman who knew what she was up to, it was Aisha bent Abo-Bakr. She formed her personality since the first day of her entry to the home of the Prophet which was attached to the Masjid". So she was not the naive innocent little girl they clamed her to be!! The growth of sayyda Aisha was completed in the house of the prophecy, where all the companions got their knowledge and wisdom. Her personality was matured and promoted under the eyes of the Messenger [PPBUH], from the young girl, who used to like to play with her friends, or watch the the Habash [Ethiopians] play war in the Masjid, until she became the very mature knowledgeable sophisticated young woman. She was that experienced woman that, when asked about a very delicate matter of making up and decorating, she said to the asking woman: "If you have a husband and you could take your eyes off to re-put it back in a nicer better looking way, then do it" ! To be continued ,,, Written by Samia Sa'id Translated by Mohamed