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This page is for posting news that are confirmed by Al-Magalla team, also for posting photos and artistic works from brothers, sisters and some times from AlMagalla team.

هذه الصفحات هى لعرض الأخبار التى تم التأكد منها بواسطة فريق المجلة، كما يعرض فيها الصور والأعمال الفنية التى يرسلها الإخوة وأحيانا من فريق المجلة.


تهنئة من مولانا الشيخ بيوم ميلاد السيدة فاطمة الزهراء

23 مايو 2011

فى صفحة الأخبار من الموقع الرسمى

وكل عام وأنتم بكل خير

مجموعة التحرير (23/5/2011)


السيدة فاطمة الزهراء

بنت رسول الله


فاطمة الزهراء بنت إمام المتقين رسول الله محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطلب بن هاشم الهاشمية صلى الله على أبيها وآله وسلم ورضى عنها وكانت تكنى أم أبيها وتلقب الزهراء روت عن أبيها وروى عنها ابناها وأبوهما وعائشة وأم سلمة وسلمى أم رافع وأنس وأرسلت عنها فاطمة بنت الحسين وغيرها ، وكانت فاطمة أصغر بنات النبى وأحبهن إليه وكان أكبرهن زينب ثم رقية ثم أم كلثوم ثم فاطمة ، وقيل أنها ولدت والكعبة تبنى والنبى بن خمس وثلاثين سنة وقيل أنها ولدت سنة إحدى وأربعين من مولد النبى .

وتزوج على فاطمة فى رجب سنة مقدمهم المدينة وبنى بها مرجعه من بدر ولها يومئذ ثمان عشرة سنة، ونسل رسول الله كله من فاطمة ، وعن على أنه خطب فاطمة فقال له النبى (هل عندك من شيئ) قلت: لا. قال (فأين درعك الحطمية التى أعطيتك يوم كذا وكذا) قلت: هو عندى. قال (فأعطها إياها) وأخرج الدولابى فى الذرية الطاهرة بسند جيد عن عبد الله بن بريدة عن أبيه قال قال رسول الله ليلة بنى على بفاطمة (لا تحدث شيئا حتى تلقانى) فدعا بماء فتوضأ منه ثم أفرغه عليهما وقال (اللهم بارك فيهما وبارك عليهما وبارك لهما فى نسلهما) وأخرج بن سعد عن الواقدى قال لما تزوج على فاطمة قال له (التمس منزلا) فجاء إليها فقالت له: كلم حارثة بن النعمان. فقال: قد تحول حارثة حتى استحييت منه. فبلغ حارثة فجاء فقال: يا رسول الله والله الذى تأخذ أحب إلى من الذى تدع. فقال (صدقت بارك الله فيك) فتحول حارثة من بيت له فسكنه على بفاطمة، عن أبى البختري، قال: قال على لأمه فاطمة بنت أسد بن هاشم : اكفى بنت رسول الله الخدمة خارجاً وسقاية الماء الحاج. وتكفيك العمل فى البيت العجن والخبز والطحن قال أبو عمر: فولدت فاطمة له الحسن والحسين وأم كلثوم وزينب ولم يتزوج على عليها غيرها حتى ماتت .

وكانت أعز الناس على رسول الله وأشبه الناس به؛ فعن عمران بن حصين أن النبى عاد فاطمة وهى مريضة فقال لها: (كيف تجدينك يا بنية) قالت: إنى لوجعة وإنه ليزيدنى أنى ما لى طعام آكله. قال (يا بنية أما ترضين أنك سيدة نساء العالمين). قالت: يا أبت فأين مريم بنت عمران؟ قال: (تلك سيدة نساء عالمها وأنت سيدة نساء عالمك أما والله لقد زوجتك سيدا فى الدنيا والآخرة). وعن أبى ثعلبة الخشنى قال: كان رسول الله إذا قدم من غزو أو سفر بدأ بالمسجد فصلى فيه ركعتين ثم يأتى فاطمة ثم يأتى أزواجه وذكر تمام الحديث.

وعن عائشة أم المؤمنين أنها قالت: ما رأيت أحداً كان أشبه كلاماً وحديثاً برسول الله من فاطمة وكانت إذا دخلت عليه قام إليها فقبلها ورحب بها كما كانت تصنع هى به . وعن عائشة أيضا، قالت: ما رأيت أحداً كان أصدق لهجة من فاطمة إلا أن يكون الذى ولدها . وعن جميع بن عمير قال: دخلت على عائشة ، فسألت: أى الناس كان أحب إلى رسول الله ؟ قالت: "فاطمة". قلت: فمن الرجال؟ قالت: "زوجها إن كان ما علمته صواماً قواماً".

وقالت عائشة: ما رأيت قط أحدا أفضل من فاطمة غير أبيها. وعن بن عباس خط النبى أربعة خطوط فقال (أفضل نساء أهل الجنة خديجة وفاطمة ومريم وآسية) وعن أبى هريرة مرفوعا (خير نساء العالمين أربع مريم وآسية وخديجة وفاطمة) وفى الصحيحين عن المسور بن مخرمة سمعت رسول الله على المنبر يقول (فاطمة بضعة منى يؤذينى ما آذاها ويريبنى ما رابها).

وكذلك كانت عزيزة على الله سبحانه وتعالى؛ عن على بن الحسين بن على عن أبيه عن على قال: قال النبى لفاطمة (إن الله يرضى لرضاك ويغضب لغضبك) وقالت أم سلمة فى بيتى نزلت ﴿إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت﴾ الأحزاب 33: 33... الآية قالت فأرسل رسول الله إلى فاطمة وعلى والحسن والحسين فقال هؤلاء أهل بيتى الحديث، وقال مسروق عن عائشة أقبلت فاطمة تمشى كأن مشيتها مشية رسول الله فقال (مرحبا بابنتى) ثم أجلسها عن يمينه ثم أسر إليها حديثا فبكت ثم أسر إليها حديثا فضحكت فقلت ما رأيت كاليوم أقرب فرحا من حزن فسألتها عما قال فقالت: ما كنت لأفشى على رسول الله سره. فلما قبض سألتها فأخبرتنى أنه قال (إن جبريل كان يعارضنى بالقرآن فى كل سنة مرة وإنه عارضنى العام مرتين وما أراه إلا قد حضر أجلى وإنك أول أهل بيتى لحوقا بى ونعم السلف أنا لك) فبكيت فقال (ألا ترضين أن تكونى سيدة نساء العالمين) فضحكت. وأخرج الترمذى من حديث زيد بن أرقم أن رسول الله قال (على وفاطمة والحسن والحسين أنا حرب لمن حاربهم وسلم لمن سالمهم) وعن عطاء بن السائب عن أبيه عن على أن رسول الله لما زوجه فاطمة بعث معها بخميلة ووسادة أدم حشوها ليف ورحاءين وسقاءين قال فقال على لفاطمة يوما: لقد سنوت حتى اشتكيت صدرى وقد جاء الله بسبى فاذهبى فاستخدمى. فقالت: وأنا والله قد طحنت حتى تجلت يداى. فأتت النبى فقال (ما جاء بك أى بنية) فقالت: جئت لأسلم عليك. واستحيت أن تسأله ورجعت فأتياه جميعا فذكر له على حالهما، قال (لا والله لا أعطيكما وأدع أهل الصفة تتلوى بطونهم لا أجد ما أنفق عليهم ولكن أبيع وأنفق عليهم أثمانهم) فرجعا فأتاهما وقد دخلا قطيفتهما إذا غطيا رؤوسهما بدت أقدامهما وإذا غطيا أقدامهما انكشفت رؤوسهما، فثارا فقال (مكانكما ألا أخبركما بخير مما سألتمانى) فقالا: بلى. فقال (كلمات علمن بهن جبريل تسبحان فى دبر كل صلاة عشرا وتحمدان عشرا وتكبران عشرا وإذا أويتما إلى فراشكما فسبحا ثلاثا وثلاثين وأحمدا ثلاثا وثلاثين وكبرا أربعا وثلاثين) قال على: فوالله ما تركتهن منذ علمنيهن. وقال له بن الكواء: ولا ليلة صفين؟ فقال: قاتلكم الله يا أهل الطروق ولا ليلة صفين. وعن عمرو بن سعيد قال كان فى على شدة على فاطمة فقالت: والله لأشكونك إلى رسول الله . فانطلقت وانطلق على فى أثرها فكلمته فقال (أى بنية اسمعى واستمعى واعقلى إنه لا امرأة لا امرأة تأتى هوى زوجها وهو ساكت) قال على : فكففت عما كنت أصنع وقلت والله لا آتى شيئا تكرهينه أبدا. وعن حبيب بن أبى ثابت قال كان بين على وفاطمة كلام فدخل رسول الله فلم يزل حتى أصلح بينهما ثم خرج قال فقيل له: دخلت وأنت على حال وخرجت ونحن نرى البشر فى وجهك؟ فقال (وما يمنعنى وقد أصلحت بين أحب اثنين إلى).

زينب بنت أبى رافع مولى رسول الله قالت رأيت فاطمة بنت رسول الله أتت بابنيها إلى النبى فى شكواه التى توفى فيها فقلت: يا رسول الله هذان ابناك فورثهما. فقال (أما حسن فإن له هيبتى وسؤددى وأما حسين فإن له جودى وجرأتى(.

وروى طاهر بن يحيى بن الحسن بن جعفر عن على بن أبى طالب قال: لما رمس رسول الله جاءت فاطمة فوقفت على قبره وأخذت قبضة من تراب القبر فوضعته على عينيها وبكت، وأنشأت تقول:

ماذا على من شم تربة أحمد            أن لا يشم مدى الزمان غواليا

صبت على مصائب لو أنها            صبت على الأيـام عدن لياليا

وقد ثبت فى الصحيح عن عائشة أن فاطمة عاشت بعد النبى ستة أشهر. قال الواقدى توفيت فاطمة ليلة الثلاثاء لثلاث خلون من شهر رمضان سنة إحدى عشرة، وأخرج بن سعد وأحمد بن حنبل من حديث أم رافع قال: مرضت فاطمة فلما كان اليوم الذى توفيت قالت لى: يا أمة اسكبى لى غسلا فاغتسلت كأحسن ما كانت تغتسل ثم لبست ثيابا لها جددا ثم قالت اجعلى فراشى وسط البيت فاضطجعت عليه واستقبلت القبلة وقالت: يا أمة أنى مقبوضة الساعة وقد اغتسلت فلا يكشفن لى أحد كنفا. فماتت فجاء على فأخبرته فاحتملها ودفنها بغسلها ذلك. وعن عمرة قالت: صلى العباس على فاطمة ونزل هو وعلى والفضل بن عباس فى حفرتها. ومن طريق على بن الحسين أن عليا صلى عليها ودفنها بليل بعد هدأه .


سامر الليل



Mawlana Sheikh congratulates all brothers and sisters all over the world

for the Birthday of sayyda Fatima az-Zahraa [AAH]

the 23rd of May 2011.


May Allah give us the blessings and goodness of this occasion for now and always.


Editorial Group (23 May 2011)


Sayyda Fatima az-Zahraa [AAH]

The Daughter of the Prophet [PPBUH]


She is Fatima az-Zahraa [AAH] the daughter of Imam of all the pious and righteous people, the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], Mohammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdel- Muttalib ibn Hashim, prayers and peace be upon her father, her, and all their family. She used to be called "the mother of her father" and also "az-Zahraa". She narrated from her father and a lot of people narrated from her, like her two sons, their father, Aisha, Om-Salama, Salma Om-Rafee, Anas, Fatima bent al-Husain, and others [AAT]. She [AAH] was the youngest of the daughters of the Prophet [PPBUH], and the most beloved by him. Her oldest sister was Zainab, Roqaiya, Om-Kalthum, then Fatima [AAT]. They say that she was born in the year of building the Ka'ba, while the Prophet [PPBUH] was 35 years old. Some say that he [PPBUH] was 41 years old.

Ali [AAH] married her in Ragab of the year when they came to Medina and their wedding night was after Ali came back from the conquest of Badr, while she was 18 years old. All the offspring of the Prophet [PPBUH] is from Fatima [AAH]. Ali [AHHF] said that he asked the hand of Fatima [AAH] in marriage from the Prophet [PPBUH], so the Prophet [PPBUH] asked him (Do you have anything?) He said: No. The Prophet [PPBUH] said (So where is your armor, al-Hatmiya, that I gave you on the day of so and so). I said: Yes I have it. He said (Then give it to her!). Al-Dolaby narrated, in the book of "the Pure Offsprimg", from Abdullah ibn Buraydah from his father, that the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], on the night of wedding of Ali and Fatima [AAT], said to Ali (Do not do anything until you meet me). Then he asked for some water and made ablution with it then he spilled it on them and said (O Allah, give you blessings for them and over them then bless their offspring). Ibn Saad said: When Ali married Fatima [AAT], the Prophet [PPBUH] told him to find a place for marriage. Then when he came to Fatima, she told him to talk to Haritha ibn an-No'man. He said: I am embarrassed from Haritha because he just moved from his house. When Haritha knew, he came to the Prophet [PPBUH] and said: O Messenger of Allah, I swear with Allah, that I love for you to take much more than I love for you leave. The Prophet [PPBUH] said to him (You are truthful and Allah bless you). Then Haritha left his place for Ali and Fatima [AAT]. Abi-al-Bukhtory said that Ali said to his mother, Fatima bent Asad ibn Hashim: You spare the daughter of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] the outside service and the bringing of the water, and she will save you the house work: the kneading, the baking, and the grinding. Abo-Omran said: Fatima gave birth to al-Hasan, al-Husain, Om-Kalthum, and Zainab [AAT], and Ali [AAH] never married another woman while she was alive.

She [AAH] was the dearest one to the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] and the most one like him; as Omran ibn Hasin said that the Prophet [PPBUH] once visited Fatima [AAH] while she was sick, then he asked her (How are you, O little daughter). She said: I am in pain, and what makes it more is that I do not find anything to eat. He said (Will you not be satisfied to be the best lady of the worlds?) She said: O father, so where would be Miriam bent Omran? He said (She was the best lady of her world, and you are the best lady of yours. And by Allah, I married you to a master in this worldly life and in the hereafter). Abi-Tha'laba said: the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], when he used to return from traveling or war, used to start with the Masjid then Fatima [AAH] then he would go to his wives... the Hadith.

Aisha said: I never saw anyone who talks like the Prophet [PPBUH] more than Fatima [AAH]. When she used to come to him, he would stand up for her to kiss her and welcome her, and she would do the same for him. Aisha also said: I never saw anyone more honest in her speech than Fatima [AAH] except for her father [PPBUH]. Gami' ibn Omair said: "I once came to Aisha and asked her: Who was the most beloved one to the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]? She said: Fatima. I said: And from the men? She said: Her husband, who I know to be most fasting and most praying".

Aisha said: I never saw anyone better than Fatima except her father. Ibn Abbas said that the Prophet [PPBUH] made four lines and said (the best women of paradise are four: Khadija, Fatima, Miriam, and Asia). Abo-Huraira narrated that the Prophet said (the best women of the world are four: Miriam, Asia, Khadija, and Fatima). In as-Sahih from al-Musawwar ibn Makhrama, that the Prophet [PPBUH] said, on the pulpit (Fatima is part of me, It hurts me whatever hurts her, and it makes me doubtful whatever made her so).

She was also very dear to Allah Almighty; Ali ibn al-Husain ibn Ali narrated from his father from Ali that the Prophet [PPBUH] said to Fatima [AAH] (Verily, Allah would be please for your pleasing and would be unpleased for your unpleasing). Om Salama said that the verse of [Allah's will is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purifying] al-Ahzab 33:33, was revealed in her home, then the Prophet [PPBUH] called on Fatima, Ali, al-Hasan, and al-Husain [AAT], and said (These are the folk of my Household)… the Hadith. Also Masrouq narrated that Aisha said “Once Fatima came to the Prophet [PPBUH], walking the same walk as he does, then he said to her (Welcome, O My daughter) then he sat her by his right side and whispered to her, so she cried, then he whispered to her again, so she laughed” So I said I have not seen a close sadness to happiness than today, and I asked her about what he said to her. She said: I would not reveal a secret of the Prophet [PPBUH]. Then when the Prophet [PPBUH] passed away, I asked her again, and so she told me: “that he said (Gabriel used to revise the Qur’an with me once a year. But this year he revised it with me twice. And I do not see it except that my end has come. And you will be the first to follow me, and I the best predecessor for you). So I cried, then he said to me (Would not you be satisfied to be the Master Lady of all the worlds?) So I laughed”. At-Turmuzy said that the Prophet [PPBUH] said (Ali, Fatima, al-Hasan, and al-Husain, I am war for whoever fights them, and I am peace for whoever is in peace with them). Ata’ ibn as-Sa’ib narrated from Imam Ali said: “When the Prophet [PPBUH] married me to Fatima, he sent her with a piece of velvet, a cushion stuffed with fiber, two hand mills, and two water pots. One day I said to her: I have carried water until I complained of my chest, and Allah had brought some slave to the Muslims, so why do not you go get us one. Fatima said to me: I swear with Allah that my hand too, is getting stiff because the milling. So she went to the Prophet [PPBUH], and he said to her (What brought you, O my little daughter) She said: I came to pay Salam. And she got shy of telling him, and went back to me, so we went back to Prophet [PPBUH] together, and I told him about us. The Prophet [PPBUH] said (No, I swear with Allah that I will not give you and leave the people of Suffa with aching stomachs out of hunger, and I do not have what to spend for them. But I will sell and spent the price on them). So we went back, then he came to us while we were sleeping in our velvet, which was short that we could not cover our heads and legs at the time, so we tried to get up, but he said (Stay in you place, do not you want me to tell you something better than what you asked me?) We said: Yes. He said (Some words that Gabriel taught me. You praise Allah after each prayer [Subhan-Allah] ten times, thank Him [Alhamdulellah] ten times, and glorify Him [Allahu-Akbar] ten times. And when you go to bed, you do the praising 33 times, the thanking 33 times, and the glorifying 34 times)” Ali said: I never left these words ever since he taught them to me. Ibn al-Kawwa’ said to him: Not even in the day of Seffin? Ali said: Allah fight you people of doubt. Not even in the day of Seffin.

Amro ibn Sa’ied said that Ali [AHHF] was, once, a bit tough with Fatima [AAH], so she said: I swear with Allah that I will complain to the Prophet [PPBUH]. She went to the Prophet [PPBUH] and Ali went after her. She spoke to the Prophet [PPBUH], so he said to her (O little daughter, Listen to me carefully and understand. No woman, no woman, would cross her husband and he does nothing) Ali said: “So I stopped what I was doing and I said: I swear with Allah that I will never do you anything you hate”. Also Habib ibn Thabit said that Ali and Fatima [AAT] had something between them, then entered the Prophet [PPBUH] to them and he stayed with them until he conciliated them, then he came out. Some people said to him: You entered with a different condition and came out seeming happy? He said (Why would not I be, when I reconciled the two most beloved to me).

Zainab bent Abo-Rafie, the servent of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], said that she saw Fatima [AAH], the daughter of the Prophet [PPBUH], coming with her two sons to the Prophet [PPBUH] during his last illness, and she said: O Messenger of Allah, these are your sons, so bequeath them. He said (As for Hasan, he has got my dignity and honor. And as for Husain, he has my generosity and courage).

Taher ibn Yahya ibn al-Hasan ibn Jafar narrated from Ali ibn Abo-Talib [AAH], that he said: When the Prophet [PPBUH] was buried, Fatima [AAH] came to his grave, took a handful of its dust, put it to her eyes, cried, and said:

          [What is with whoever smells the dust of Ahmad

that he never smell over the days any calamities]              

          [Calamities have been poured over me, which if

poured over the days, they would have become nights]              

It was stated in the Sahih books, that Fatima [AAH] lived for six months after the Prophets [PPBUH]. Al-Waqidy said that Fatima [AAH] passed away on Tuesday the 3rd of Ramadan 11 H. Ibn Saad and Ahmed ibn Hanbal narrated form Om-Rafee:

Fatima [AAH] got sick, and when it was the day of her dieing, she said to me: O, Amah pour me water to make a religious wash. And he washed herself as better as she ever used to. Then she dressed in new clothes of hers. Then she told me to prepare her bed in the middle of the home and she laid down on it and faced the Qibla [the direction of the prayer, al-Ka’ba]. The she said to me: “O Amah, I am to be taken this hour, and I have washed, so let no one uncover me”. When she died, Ali came, then I told him what she said, so he carried her and buried her with that wash.

Omrah said: al-Abbas [AAH] prayed the funeral prayer for Fatima [AAH], and he went down to her grave with his son al-Fadl and Ali [AAT]. However Ali ibn al-Husain [AAT] said that Ali [AHHF] prayed for her the funeral prayer and buried her after he calmed down.


Written by Samer al-Lail



تهنئة من مولانا الشيخ بمولد السيدة الكريمة العظيمة زينب الكبرى

14-28 يونيه 2011

فى صفحة الأخبار من الموقع الرسمى

وكل عام وأنتم بكل خير

مجموعة التحرير (17/6/2011)


 السيدة زينب

مولدها الشريف :

ولدت سيدتنا الكريمة السيدة زينب فى المدينة المنورة فى السنة الخامسة من الهجرة، لم تكن تسمع أو ترى أو تحس من حولها إلا ما يسكبها جمالاً وكمالاً، ورفعة وسمواً وإنغماساً في الضياء وإتصالاً بالسماء، وأروع ما كانت تسمع في حداثة سنها صوت جدها وهو يمر ساعة السحر ببيت أبيها وأمها فينادى (السلام عليكم ورحمة الله، الصلاة يا أهل البيت، ﴿إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيراً﴾.

وفى مولدها الشريف قال مولانا الإمام فخر الدين :

تبارك من أفنى الدهور بقـاؤه                    يقلبنا فـى عـزة سرمديــــة

ويمنحنا فضلاً يضيء غيوبنـا                   فينفحنا من نفحـة زينبيــــة

نرتل آيات الثناء ببابهــــا               فيكشف عن بعض الستور الرخية

نقلب ما شئنا الوجوه بكرمهـا            فنشهد آيات البطون الخفيــــة

فأولها لا يبلغ الختم بـــدءه               وغاية سؤلى فى بلوغ الرضيــة

وآخرها لا يبلغ العلم ســره                  ولكنها ترعى رعاة الرعيــــة

فننهل من نبع الهداية تــارة             ونكرع من فيض الهبات العليــة

ونشرب مما راق حول مقامها        ونسبح فى بحر الصفات السنيــة

ونرتع مما رق ستر خـدوره              ونمرح فى سوح الرموز النديــة

ونقرأ فى طور السنين عجائباً           ونرزق من رقم الستور الخفيــة

بزينب الكبرى سألتك جـدها             دوام حبيات الأمـان لعترتـــى

والدها ووالدتها :

مولانا الإمام علي بن أبى طالب ، وسيدة النساء الطاهرة البتول بضعة سيدنا رسول الله سيدتنا فاطمة الزهراء .

تسميتها :

جدها سيدنا رسول الله هو الذي سماها زينب، إختار لها إسماً من أحب الأسماء إليه وأعزها عليه، وهو إسم إبنته زينب التي رزقها أول ما رزق من السيدة خديجة والتى قتلها هبار بن الأسود عندما نخس الجمل التي كانت تركبه نخسة جعلت الجمل يجمح ويشرد ويسقط السيدة عن ظهره وكانت حاملاً فأسقطت حملها، وإحياء لذكرى إبنته الحبيبة سمى سيدنا رسول الله حفيدته بإسمها، وسرت السيدة فاطمة الزهراء بهذا الإسم لأنها هى الأخرى كانت تحب أختها زينب ملء قلبها وكثيراً ما كانت تدللها وتحنو عليها وتغمرها بعطفها.

 ألقابها :

لسيدتنا الكريمة الكثير من الألقاب ولعل من أشهرها لقب (رئيسة الديوان)، حيث كان الوالى ورجاله يعقدون جلساتهم بدارها وتحت رئاستها، وكما كان دارها مأوى لكل ضعيف ومريض ومحتاج فأطلقوا عليها لقب (أم العواجز).

حياتها :

بقيت سيدتنا زينب الكبرى تعيش في فيض من الأنوار المحمدية، وقد رزقها الله إدراكاً واعياً وفهماً تاماً لكل ما كان يدور حولها فأكتسبت كثيراً من الحقائق الإيمانية ، فلما لقي سيدنا رسول الله ربه أوت سيدتنا زينب الكبرى إلي أحضان أمها وكانت تقتدى بها فى كل شيئ فكانت تصلى بصلاتها وتتهجد بتهجدها وتناجى الله بمثل مناجاتها.

وعندما شارفت سيدتنا فاطمة الزهراء لملاقاة ربها، وكان ذلك بعد وفاة أبيها بستة أشهر، أوصت سيدتنا زينب بأن تفطن إلى ما هي مقبلة عليه من أمور عظام، فستكون بعد اليوم بمثابة الأم لأخويها الإمام الحسن والإمام الحسين ولأختها الصغرى سيدتنا أم كلثوم والتي سميت هى الأخرى زينب ولقبت بأم كلثوم فكانت بذلك تحمل إسم خالتيها زينب وأم كلثوم أجمعين.

ومضى البيت العلوى علي هذه الحالة، وكان الجو العلمى هو الجو السائد بين أفراد تلك الأسرة الكريمة، وكيف لا وأبوها هو باب مدينة العلم مولانا الإمام علي بن أبي طالب ، ولهذا تزودت سيدتنا الكريمة السيدة زينب بقدر كبير من العلم الذى زانها ورفع قدرها وجعها بحق درة بنى هاشم.

علمها :

إغترفت سيدتنا زينب من بحار علم أبيها التى كانت فيضاَ من بحار جدها ، فبذلك كانت عميقة الفهم في كلام الله وكلام سيدنا رسول الله وكلام العرب، وكانت تشارك أخويها الإمام الحسن والإمام الحسين في البحوث العلمية العميقة التي كانت تجرى بينهما فى بيان معانى أحاديث سيدنا رسول الله .

ومن أمثلة ذلك شرحها الواضح لقول سيدنا رسول الله : (الحلال بيّن والحرام بيّن) فقد أخرج إبن حميد فى مسنده واليافعى في مرآته قالا "جلس الحسن والحسين إبنا الإمام علي يتذاكران يوماً ما سمعاه من جدهما (الحلال بيّن والحرام بيّن وبينهما أمور متشبهات لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس، فمن إتقى الشبهات فقد إستبرأ لدينه وعرضه، ومن وقع فى الشبهات وقع في الحرام، كالراعى يرعى حول الحمى يوشك أن يرتفع فيه، ألا وإن حمي الله محارمه، ألا وإن فى الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله، ألا وهى القلب) فقالت سيدتنا زينب : "إسمعا يا حسن ويا حسين، إن جدكما رسول الله مؤدب بأدب الإله، فإن الله أدبه فأحسن تأديبه، فقد قال : (أدبني ربى فأحسن تأديبى) كما هُييء كذلك من رب العالمين لحمل رسالة الدين، والدعوة إلى عبادة الله العظيم الذى ليس كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير، ومن كجدى النبى العربى الهاشمى القرشى الذى إصطفاه الله تعالى وإختاره ليبين للناس طريق الحياة من خير وشر؟".

ثم قالت "الحلال بيّن والحرام بيّن وبينهما متشبهات، فهناك ثلاث درجات فى الدين: حلال، وحرام، ومشتبه.

أما الحلال فهو ما أحله الله تعالي بأن جاء القرآن الكريم بحله، وبيّنه الرسول في سنته، كحل الشراء والبيع وكإقامة الصلاة فى أوقاتها والزكاة وصوم رمضان، وحج البيت لمن إستطاع إليه سبيلاً وترك الكذب والنفاق والخيانة.

وأما الحرام فهو ما حرمه القرآن وهو علي النقيض من الحلال.

وأما المشتبه فهو الشيء الذي ليس بالحلال ولا بالحرام.

والمؤمن الذي يريد لنفسه السعادة فى الدنيا، والنعيم فى الآخرة ما عليه إلا أن يؤدى ما أوجب الله تعالى عليه، ويسير فى طريق القرآن الحكيم، ويقتدى بجدى النبى ويتأسى به ويبتعد عن طريق الشبهات ما إستطاع، فمن إتقى الشبهات فقد إستبرأ لدينه وعرضه، وأصبح دينه صحيحاً وعرضه نقياً".

وقد كان هناك عديد من المؤمنين والمؤمنات يحفظون عنها ويروون للأمة ما كانت تتحدث به، ومن هؤلاء عبد الله بن عباس وعبد الله بن جعفر وفاطمة بنت الإمام الحسين أجمعين، وغيرهم ممن فازوا بصحبتها وإنتفعوا بالغزير من علمها .

وإدراكها الصحيح لحقائق الإيمان بالله ورسوله كان يتجلى فيما كانت تنظم أحياناً من اشعار حكيمة تجرى على لسانها، فمن ذلك قولها :

وكم لله من لطف خفــى              يدق خفاه عن فهم الذكى

وكم يسر أتي من بعد عسر           ففرج كربة القلب الشجى

وكم أمر تساء به صباحـاً                وتأتيك المسرة بالعشى

إذا ضاقت بك الأحوال يوماً           فثق بالواحد الفرد العلى

توسل بالنبى فكل خطــب                يهون إذا تُوسل بالنبى

ولا تجزع إذا ما ناب خطب            فكم لله من لطف خفى

ومما يذكر أن سيدنا الإمام علي زين العابدين كان يقول لها "يا عمتاه، أنت بحمد الله عالمة غير مُعَلَمَة، وفاهمة غير مُفَهَمَة" ومعنى ذلك أنها لعظم تقواها وحسن صلتها بربها كان الله يفيض عليها، وهو تعالى يقول فى محكم آياته ﴿وإتقـوا الله ويعلمكـم الله والله بكـل شـيء عليم﴾ البقرة 2: 282.

حسن مناجاتها لله :

تعلمت سيدتنا زينب حسن المناجاة لمولاها من أبيها وأمها، فقد كانا يحسنان مناجاة الله ، فقد علمهما سيدنا لرسول الله ذلك، وكان لا يسمح لهما أن يفترا عن عبادة الله في جنح الليل. 

فقد دخل سيدنا رسول الله عليهما فوجدهما نائمين فإشتد عليهما وقال (ألا تقومان؟ ألا تصليان؟) فقال الإمام على : يا رسول الله، إن أنفسنا بيد الله. وكأن سيدنا رسول الله لم يرقه هذا الجواب فانصرف وهو يضرب بيديه علي فخذيه ويقول (وكان الإنسان أكثر شيء جدلاً) فلم يكونا بعدها ينامان من الليل إلا قليلاً. 

ورأتهما سيدتنا زينب وهى صغيرة فكانت تحاكيهما، وتستمع إليهما، وبذلك تعودت القيام في تلك الساعة التى هى أحب الساعات إلى الله ، فكانت تنهض من فراشها حين تنام العيون، وتغمض الجفون ويسود الصمت والسكون، فى تلك الساعة يهجر أولو الألباب فرشهم، وأولو الألباب وصفهم الله في كتابه بانهم ﴿الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم ويتفكرون فى خلق السموات والأرض آل عمران 3: 191.

فكانت سيدتنا زينب من خيرة القائمين لله، وفى طليعة الراكعين والساجدين، وقد تذكرت قول جدها (أتانى جبريل فقال: يا محمد، عش ما شئت فإنك ميت وأحبب من شئت فإنك مفارقه، وإعمل ما شئت فإنك مجزى به، وإعلم أن شرف المؤمن قيام الليل، وأن عز المؤمن إستغناؤه عن الناس).

فكانت بذلك كله من المتقين الذين يقول الله عنهم ﴿كانوا قليلاً من الليل ما يهجعون وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون﴾ الذاريات 51: 17.

من صيغ مناجاتها :

 يا من لبس العز وتردى به، سبحان من تعطف بالمجد وتكرم، سبحان من لا ينبغى التسبيح إلا له ، سبحان من أحصى كل شيء عدداً بعلمه وخلقه وقدرته، سبحان ذى العزة والنعم، سبحان ذى المقدرة والكرم، اللهم إنى أسألك بمقاعد العز من عرشك، ومنتهى الرحمة من كتابك، وبإسمك العظيم وجدك الأعلى، وكلماتك التامات التى تمت صدقاً وعدلاً، أن تصلى على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الطاهرين، وأن تجمع لى خيرى الدنيا والآخرة، اللهم أنت الحى القيوم، أنت هديتنى وأنت تطعمنى وتسقينى، وأنت تميتنى وتحيينى، فارحمنى يا أرحم الراحمين.

ومن مناجاتها أيضاً:

يا عماد من لا عماد له، ويا ذخر من لا ذخر له، ويا سند من لا سند له، ويا حرز الضعفاء، ويا كنز الفقراء، ويا سميع الرجاء، ويا منجى الغرقى، ويا منقذ الهلكى، ويا محسن يا مجمل، يا منعم يا متفضل، أنت الذى سجد له سواد الليل وضوء النهار وشعاع الشمس وحفيف الشجر ودوى الماء.

يا الله الذى لم يكن قبله قبل، ولا بعده بعد، ولا نهاية له ولا حد، ولا كفؤ ولا ند، وبحرمة إسمك الذى فى الآدميين معناه، المرتدى بالكبرياء والنور والعظمة، محقق الحقائق ومبطل الشرك والبوائق، وبالإسم الذى تدوم به الحياة الدائمة الأزلية التى لا موت معها ولا فناء، وبالروح المقدسة، وبالسمع الحاضر والبصر النافذ وتاج الوقار، وخاتم النبوة وتوثيق العهد بالله لا شريك له.

زواجها :

عندما بلغت السيدة الطاهرة سن الزواج تقدم عبد الله بن جعفر بن أبى طالب يخطبها إليه، فرحب به الإمام ترحيباً حاراً، لأنه كان يحبه نظراً لأنه إبن أخيه جعفر أحب إخوته إليه وأعزهم عليه. 

ومما يذكر عن سيدنا جعفر أنه كان خطيب المهاجرين بالحبشة وقد شرح الإسلام شرحاً وافياً للنجاشى وقرأ عليه القرآن قراءة إجتذبته للإيمان فأفسد على الكفار من قريش خطتهم، حين أرادوا حمل النجاشى على طرد المهاجرين، فقد أقبل النجاشى عليهم وأكرم مثواهم وأحسن وفادتهم، وما لبث سيدنا جعفر بعد عودته من الحبشة إلا أن لبى نداء الجهاد وخرج إلى مؤتة لمحاربة جيوش الروم بقيادة زيد بن حارثة ، فلما فاز سيدنا زيد بالشهادة أخذ سيدنا جعفر الراية حتى جاء أحد جنود الروم فضرب بالسيف يده اليمني فقطعت، فتسلم الراية بيده اليسرى فقطعت أيضاً فإحتضن الراية بعضده حتى أخذهـا سيدنا عبد الله بن رواحـة ، وقـد قـال سيدنا رسول الله (إن الله تعالى قد عوض جعفراً عن يديه جناحين كأجنحة الملائكة) ولذلك لقب بجعفر الطيار وبذى الجناحين. 

والمعروف أن سيدنا عبد الله بن جعفر أول مولود للمهاجرين في بلاد الحبشة وقد كان رمزاً للسخاء والكرم، وكان زواجه بسيدتنا الطاهرة السيدة زينب زواجاً سعيداً موفقاً تأسست به أسرة من خير الأسر الإسلامية، فهى هاشمية وهو أيضاً من بنى هاشم.

أولادها :

أثمر هذا الزواج الطيب عن ثلاثة بنين وهم محمد وعون وعلى، وبنتان وهما أم كلثوم وأم عبد الله جميعاً.

صدقها وصبرها وشجاعتها :

مرت بسيدتنا الطاهرة العديد من الأحداث الجسام تجلي فيها صبرها علي البلاء ورضاها بالقضاء وإذعانها لحكم قيوم الأرض والسماء، فقد ذاقت الحزن الشديد عندما إنتقل سيدنا رسول الله إلى الرفيق الأعلى وما لبثت أن داهمتها أحزان ثقيلة لا يقوى على إحتمالها إلا أمثالها فقد توفيت والدتها سيدنا فاطمة الزهراء ، وبكت عليها كثيراً ثم أوت إلى ربها وإعتصمت بإيمانها وسألته سبحانه وتعالى أن يفرغ عليها صبراً من لدنه، وكان لابد لها أن تصبر وأن تذكر قول جدها (إن الله يجرب عباده بالبلاء كما يجرب أحدكم ذهبه علي النار، فمنهم من يخرج كالذهب الإبريز، وذلك الذى حماه الله من الشبهات، ومنهم من يخرج كالذهب الأسود، وذلك الذى فتن) وأخذت تلتمس لنفسها السلوان بقراءة كتاب الله وفهمه وتعلم العلم من أبيها وذلك حتى جاء ذلك اليوم الحزين الذى طعن فيه عبد الرحمن بن ملجم أبيها الإمام على ولقى ربه الكريم، وتلقت سيدتنا الكريمة الصدمة وفوضت أمرها إلى ربها صابرة على قضائه راضية بحكمه، ومرت الأيام وجاءت الأقدار إلى سيدتنا الكريمة بفجيعة وفاة أخيها الإمام الحسن السبط ، حيث كان له عندها المكانة العالية والمنزلة الرفيعة فقد كان طول حياته كثير العطف عليها والحب لها، ولكن ماذا تصنع وهذا قضاء الله، وفى النهاية رأت إستشهاد أخيها مولانا الإمام الحسين الذى كان أحب إليها من نفسها.

وأما شجاعتها فلم تكن صفة مستغربة فيها، فهى من بنى هاشم الذين عرفوا بالشجاعة النادرة التي ورثوها كابراً عن كابر، فلما إحتدمت المعركة فى كربلاء وقفت سيدتنا الكريمة تبرهن على إنها لا تخشى بأساً غير بأس الله ولا تهاب سلطاناً غير سلطان الله، فقد وقفت والسيوف مصلتة والرماح مشرعة والسهام تتساقط كالمطر، فلم تبال بشيء من ذلك وأخذت توجه ندائها إلى جند أخيها الإمام الحسين وتقول لهم "أيها الطيبون، دافعوا عن بنات رسول الله، دافعوا عن حرائر أمير المؤمنين".

ولما إنتهت المعركة بما إنتهت إليه، وبعد إستشهاد مولانا الحسين مرت سيدتنا الطاهرة بمولانا الإمام الحسين ووجدته صريعاُ صاحت قائلة "يا محمداه، هذا حسين بالعراء مزمل بالدماء مقطع الأعضاء، يا محمداه، بناتك سبايا وذريتك مقتلة" فأبكت بمقولتها كل عدو وصديق.

وعندما نقلت السيدة الطاهرة ومن كانوا معها إلى ابن زياد وأراد أن يقتل مولانا الإمام على زين العابدين بن مولانا الإمام الحسين صاحت السيدة زينب فى وجه ابن زياد قائلة "حسبك يا ابن زياد من دمائنا أسألك بالله إن قتلته إلا قتلتنى معه" فتركه.

ولما وصلت سيدتنا الكريمة والعترة الطاهرة إلى بيت يزيد بن معاوية نظر فاجر من أهل الشام إلى سيدتنا فاطمة بنت مولانا الحسين وقال ليزيد: أعطنى هذه تخدمنى. فتشبثت سيدتنا فاطمة بعمتها وأوت إلى حصنها الحصين، فنظرت سيدتنا زينب إلي الرجل شذراً وهى تقول "أبنات رسول الله يا فجرة تؤخذ سبايا عندكم؟ هذا ما لا يكون أبداً" فقال يزيد: لو شئت لفعلت. فأسمعته كلاماً جريئاً تجلت فيه فصاحتها وشجاعتها معاً، فلم يكن من يزيد إلا أن إنتهر الرجل وزجره زجراً شديداً.

ولما سمعت سيدتنا الكريمة يزيد ينشد اشعاراً قيلت يوم أُحُد للشماتة بسيدنا حمزة وبشهداء أُحُد ، نظرت إلى يزيد نظرة حادة فيها معنى الشماتة به، إذ قد خرج بهذا على دينه، ثم قالت "صدق الله يا يزيد ﴿ثُمَّ كَانَ عَاقِبَةَ الَّذِينَ أَسَاءُوا السُّوأَى أَنْ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَكَانُوا بِهَا يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ ﴾" الروم 30: 10، فإستحيا يزيد مما سمع وأمر بإرسالهم إلى المدينة.

وكان من نظمها فى ذلك الموقف ما ورد فى الطبقات للشعرانى أنها قالت:

ماذا تقولون إن قال النبى لكم                 ماذا فعلتم وأنتم آخر الأمـم

بعترتى وبأهلى بعـد فرقتكم                منهم أسارى ومنهم خضبوا بدم

ما كان هذا جزائى إذ نصحت لكم     أن تخلفونى بسوء فى ذوى رحمى

وكانت تنادي بالحب حتى لا تحترق القلوب بالحسد والبغضاء، وكانت تردد قول جدها (إياكم والحالقة لا أقول تحلق الشعر ولكن تحلق الدين) والحالقة هى الحسد والحقد والبغضاء والشحناء.

وكانت تؤكد لأهل مجلسها أن ورد الطاعات لا يسقى إلا بدموع الندم والتوبة، وكانت تبث فى بنات جنسها أن آثام اليوم هى عقارب الغد وأن سكرة الدنيا هى لهيب العطش فى صحراء القيامة، وكانت تعلمهم الحرص على فريضة الصلاة وتقول لهم "إن الذين يؤدون فريضة الصلاة يكونون فى حضرة الله يؤمهم جدى المصطفى فيرى الله بعينى رأسه فى كل صلاة، ولذلك قال (وجعلت قرة عينى فى الصلاة) وكذلك المصلون يرون ربهم بعين قلوبهم وإن لم يشعروا بذلك رحمة بهم".

كانت النقود من الذهب والفضة توضع تحت أقدامها وبين يديها فلا ينفض مجلسها حتى تكون قد أنفقتها على مستحقيها من الفقراء، بل كانت ترى للفقراء فضلاً عليها، فإذا قدموا عندها يطلبون المعونات هشت في وجوههم قائلة "مرحباً بمن بحملون زادى إلى الآخرة بغير أجرة".

وقد وافق دخول السيدة الطاهرة مصر بزوغ هلال شعبان سنة إحدى وستين هجرية بعد إنتقال مولانا الإمام الحسين بأكثر من ستة أشهر. 

وفاتها :

توفيت سيدتنا الكريمة عشية يوم الأحد لخمسة عشر يوماً من رجب سنة إثنتين وستين من الهجرة، ودفنت بمخدعها من الدار بوصيتها، وهو المكان المقام عليه ضريحها الشريف الآن.

قال عنها أحد الصالحين:

سألتك زينب بنت الإمام      بطه المصطفى بدر التمام

رسول الله مصباح الظلام       علىّ تكرمى بنت الكرام

فشأنكم التكرم والعطايا

رضى الله عن سيدتنا الكريمة الطاهرة عقيلة بنى هاشم سيدتنا زينب وأرضانا بها وجعلنا فى رحابها دنيا وأخرى.


سامر الليل



Mawlana Sheikh congratulates all brothers and sisters all over the world

for the Mawlid of the great generous sayyda Zaynab [AAH]

the 14th to the 28th of June 2011.


May Allah give us the blessings and goodness of this occasion for now and always.


Editorial Group (17 Jun 2011)

Sayyda Zaynab [AAH]


Her birth [AAH]:

Honorable sayyda Zaynab [AAH] was born in the enlightened Medina, in the 5th year from Hijra. She was not exposed to anything, around her, through hearing, sight, or feeling, except what gives her more beauty, perfectness, highness, and elevation. Everything around her led her to be more immersed in the lights and more connected to heaven. The most wonderful thing she used to hear, while she was so young, is the voice of her Grandfather [PPBUH] when passes by her parents' home before dawn calling them (As-Salamu-Alikum Wa Rahmatu-llahi. Prayers, O, People of the house [Allah's will is but to remove all abomination from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a thorough purifying] al-Ahzab 33:33).

In her Mawlid, Imam Fakhreddin said:

[Be He blessed, He whose Existence, outlasted and expired all ages

He turns us in an eternal honorable existence] 1/341

[He gives us a grace to enlighten our unseen things

So He gives us a Zaynab Gift] 1/342

[We recite the verses of praise by her door

So some flabby veils gets revealed] 1/343

[We turn our face as much as we please in her generosity

So we witness the signs of the hidden interiors] 1/344

[Her beginning in beyond the ending

And as far as I would ask to reach the pleasing stage] 1/345

[The secret of her ending is not known to all knowledge

But she takes care of all guardians of the whole herd] 1/346

[So we sometimes drink from the spring of guidance

and sometimes we sip from the flooding of the high gifts] 1/347

[and we drink from what is pure around her Maqam

And we swim in the sea of the holly characteristics] 1/348

[We graze, through the light, from whatsoever is thin of her veils

And we frolic in the space of the generous symbols] 1/349

[We read wonders, in the stage of the years (Tawr as-Senin),

And we are gifted from the punctuation of the hidden veils] 1/350

[With the great Zaynab, we ask you, O her Grandfather

To continue the endowing of safety to my kinship] 1/351

Her father and Mother [AAT]:

Her father is Imam Ali ibn Abi-Talib [AHHF], and her mother is the mistress of all women, the pure Patoul, and the piece of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], sayyda Fatima az-Zahra' [AAH].

Her Name [AAH]:

Her Grandfather, the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], is the one who named her, Zaynab, after his daughter. He chose this name for her because it was one the dearest and most precious names to him, because it is the name of his beloved daughter Zaynab, the first one of his children to be born, from Khadija [AAH], and who was killed by Habbar ibn al-Aswad. That was when Habbar goaded the camel, she was ridding, a goad that made it run away and made her fell off its back, had a miscarriage, and died. To memorialize his beloved daughter, the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] named his granddaughter after her. Fatima az-Zahra’ [AAH] was very pleased with that name, as she also loved her sister Zaynab with all her heart and she used to coddle her, be kind to her, and treat her with compassion.

Her titles [AAH]:

Honorable sayyda Zaynab [AAH] has many titles. The most famous one is (the chair of the Divan), because the ruler and his men used to meet in her house and under her chairmanship. Also, her house was a refuge for all weak, sick, and needy persons, so they called her (the mother of the helpless – al-Awagiz).

Her life [AAH]:

Sayyda Zaynab [AAH] lived in the floods of the Mohammad prophetic lights. She was given, from Allah, a conscious perception and a perfect understanding of all what was running around her. So she gained a lot of faith related facts. When the Prophet [PPBUH] joined his Lord, sayyda Zaynab resorted to the arms of her mother. She used to follow her mother’s example in everything, in her prayers, night supplication, and confiding appeal to Allah, Almighty.

After the Prophet’s death [PPBUH] by 6 months, and when sayyda Fatima [AAH] was about to meet her Lord, she [AAH] recommended for sayyda Zaynab [AAH] to be aware of what is coming to her of great matters. As sayyda Zaynab [AAH] was about to become as a mother for her two brothers: sayydi al-Hasan and sayydi al-Husain, also for her youngest sister; Om-Kalthoum. Her youngest sister was also named Zaynab but called Om-Kalthoum, so she was given both the names of her aunts: Zaynab and Om-Kalthoum [AAT] all.

Ali's House [AAH] continued in this knowledgeable way for all the members of this honorable family. And why not? Is not her father, Imam Ali ibn Abi-Talib [AHHF], the door to the city of knowledge? That is why sayyda Zaynab [AAH] had a great deal of knowledge, which made her more great and valuable until she became the pearl of her tribe [Bani Hashim].

Her Knowledge [AAH]:

As we said sayyda Zaynab [AAH] drank from the seas of her father’s knowledge [AHHF], which are the flood of the seas of her Grandfather [PPBUH]. She had a deep understanding of the words of Allah and the words of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] and also the words of the Arabs. She [AAH] used to participate with her brothers in their deep research in the knowledge of the meanings of the Hadith of sayddi the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]. As an example to that, there is her clear explanation of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] (Halal is obvious and Haram is obvious) [Halal and Haram: lawful and prohibited]:

Ibn abdel-Hamid and Yafe’i narrated that “al-Hasan and al-Husain, the sons of Imam Ali [AAT], sat once remembering what they heard from their Grandfather [PPBUH] (Halal is obvious and Haram is obvious, and between them there are some doubtful deeds that are not known to a lot of people. So, whosoever avoids these doubtful things, his religion and honor would have been exonerated. And whosoever fell in the circle of these doubtful deeds, he will fall in the circle of Haram. It is like the shepherd herding his cattle around the protectorate area, he is bound to get into it. And verily the protectorate of Allah is His prohibitions. Verily there is a piece in the body that if became righteous then the whole body will become good, and if became rotten then the whole body will go bad. This piece is the heart). Sayyda Zaynab [AAH] said “Listen O Hasan and Husain! Your Grandfather, the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH], was given the politeness of Allah, as Allah has refined his manners as best as can be. So he said [PPBUH] (Allah has refined my manners as best as can be). And he was prepared for the Religion Message by the Lord of the universe. And he was also prepared for the call to the worship of the Great Allah, Who has nothing similar, and he is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. So who is like my Grandfather, the Arab, the Hashimi, and the Quraishi, who was chosen by Allah, Almighty, to show people the way of life; good and evil?” Then she said “Halal is obvious and Haram is obvious, and between them there are some doubtful things; There are 3 levels in religion: Halal, Haram, and doubtful.

As for Halal; it is what was stated as Halal in Qur’an, and clarified by the Messenger in Sunna. Like buying and selling, the raising of the prayers at its times, giving the alms, fasting in Ramadan, the Hajj to the Holly House for the capable, and leaving the lies, the hypocrisy, and the betrayal.

As for Haram; it is what was prohibited by Qur’an, which is the contrary of Halal.

The doubtful: is something that is neither Halal nor Haram.

A believer, who wants to get happiness in this world and blessings in the hereafter, only have to do what Allah commanded him to do, walk the on way of honorable Qur’an, follow the example of my Grandfather; the Prophet, and keep away from the doubtful things as much as he can. As whosoever avoids these doubtful things, his religion and honor would have been exonerated, meaning that his religion will be right, and his honor will be pure”.

There were a lot of believers, men and women, who narrated what she used to say. Among those were Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abdullah ibn Jafar, and Fatima bent Imam al-Husain [AAT] all, and also others who had the privilege of her company and benefited from her great knowledge [AAH].

Her correct understanding of the facts of belief in Allah and his Messenger had sometimes been displayed by her wisdom poems, and here is a sample:

[How much is the hidden Grace of Allah!

Its understanding is much hidden even to the smart ones]

[How many time ease came after it was so hard

So it relieved the anguish of the sad heart]

[How many times you get hurt from something in the morning

And then happiness comes to you at night]

[If, some day, things get so tight with you,

Then trust the One, the Sole, and the Lofty]

[Intercede for Allah with the Prophet, as every trouble

Is relived when you intercede with the Prophet]

[Do not panic if a calamity befell

As how much is the hidden Grace of Allah!]

Imam Ali Zain al-Abedin [AAH] used to say to her "O my aunt! Thanks to Allah, you are uneducated knowledgeable and uninstructed perceptive lady". This means that because of her great piety and her highly good connection to her Lord, Allah used to flood her with His knowledge. As Allah said [And fear Allah, and Allah will grant you knowledge. And Allah is the Knower all things] al-Baqara 2:282.

Her confiding appeal to Allah [AAH]:

Sayyda Zaynab [AAH] learned the good confiding appeal to Allah from her mother and father [AAT], as they used to be so good at that. The Prophet [PPBUH] taught them that, and he would not let them languish from worshiping Allah in the middle of the night.

Once the Prophet [PPBUH] entered to them and found them to be asleep, so he was hard on them and told them (Why do not you get up? Why do not you pray?) Imam Ali said "O Messenger of Allah! Our souls are in the hand of Allah" and as if sayydi the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] did not like the answer, so he left, hitting his palms to his thighs, saying (a human is, most of all, arguing). They never had slept at night except for a little bit.

Sayyda Zaynab [AAH] saw them while she was young and used to imitate them and listen to them. That is how she got used to praying at that hour, which is the most beloved hour for Allah, Almighty. She used to get out of her bed when all eyes are asleep and all sounds are silent. At that hour, people with hearts and good thinking leave their beds. Allah described them in Qur'an [Those who do the Dhikr of Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth] Aal-Imran 3:191.

Sayyda Zaynab was one of the best standing praying people for Allah. She was in the forefront of those who kneel and prostrate. She used to remember her Grandfather's words [PPBUH] (Gabriel came to me and said: O Muhammad! Live all you want, then you will die. Love whom you please, then you will part with him. Do whatever you like, then you will be accounted for. And know that the honor of the believer is in the worship during the night. The superiority of the believer is to do without the people).

With all that, she [AAH] was one of the pious people that Allah said about them [They used to sleep but little of the night, and in the hour of early dawn, they were praying for Forgiveness] az-Zariyat 51:17.

Her Marriage [AAH]:

When she was in the age of marriage, Abdullah ibn Jafar ibn Abi-Talib proposed to her. Imam Ali [AHHF] very much welcomed his proposal as he loved his because he was his nephew, from his most beloved and dearest brother; Jafar.

Sayydi Jafar [AAH] was the speaker of Mohajirin [Muslim immigrants] in Habasha [Sudan]. Where he explained Islam to an-Nagashi, with a thorough explanation and recited Qur'an for him with a way that attracted him. Thus he spoiled the plan of the polytheists, as they wanted to get an-Nagashi to expel the Muslims back. Rather an-Nagashi when understood Islam from Jafar, became more kind and generous to them. As soon as sayydi Jafar [AAH]came back from Habasha, he went out for Jihad. He went out for Mowatah conquest to fight the Roman armies under the command of Zayd ibn Haritha [AAH]. When Zayd [AAH] got martyred, Jafar [AAH] took the flag, until some Roman soldier cut his right hand. Then he carried the flag with his left hand, but his left hand was cut too. He carried the flag with both his upper arms until he was martyred, then Abdullah ibn Rawaha [AAH] took the flag. The Prophet [PPBUH] said (Allah compensated Jafar two wings, like the wings of the angels, for his hands). That is why Jafar was called "the flying Jafar" and also "the one with the two wings".

It is known that Abdullah ibn Jafar [AAT] is the first born child for Mohajirin of Habasha. He was a symbol for the generosity and giving. His marriage to the pure sayyda Zaynab [AAH] was a happy successful one, that made one of the best families in Islam. As she is Qurashian and so is he.

Her children [AAH]:

She had from this marriage 3 sons: Mohamed, Awon, and Ali, and 2 daughters: Om-Kalthoum and Om-Abdullah, [AAT] all.

Her patience, honesty, and courage [AAH]:

Sayyda Zaynab went through many gross events that showed her patience for calamities, her acceptance to fate, and her submission to the judgment of the Keeper of heaven and earth. She had a taste of the enormous grief when the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] passed to the Higher Companion. Then she was crushed with the heavy grief that can not be tolerated except by one like her, which is that of the death of her mother sayyda Fatima az-Zahra' [AAH]. She cried a lot for losing her, then she got refuge in Allah and held on to her belief. She asked Allah, Almighty, to give her patience of His. She remembered the words of the Prophet [PPBUH], her grandfather (Allah tries His servants with afflictions, as when some of you tries his gold on the fire. Some of them of them come out like pure gold, and those are the ones He protected from the doubtful deeds. And some of them come out like black gold, and those are the tempted ones). She took the path of Qur'an and learning from her father, Imam Ali [AHHF], as a way to forget her calamities. Until the sad day came when her father [AHHF] was stabbed by Abdel-Rahman ibn Melhim, and he met his Generous Lord. Sayyda Zaynab took the chock and raised her prayers to Allah, patient for His fate and accepting His judgment. Days passed and then came the calamity of the killing of her brother, Imam al-Hasan [AAH], whom she loved, respected and placed in high special place in her heart. He had always been kind and loving for her through out all his life, but what can she do when it is the will of Allah. At the end she was there during the martyrdom of her brother sayydi al-Husain [AAH] whom she loved more than her own self.

Her courage [AAH] was not strange to her, as she inherited it from Bani Hashim. When the battle was flared up in Karbula', sayyda Zaynab [AAH] proved that she did not fear anything but Allah. She stood there with all that swords and spears pointed at her family and all those arrows falling like rain, yet she did not care and she addressed the soldiers of her brother, al-Husain [AAH], saying "O you good people! Defend the daughters of the Messenger of Allah! Defend the free honorable women of the prince of believers".

When the battle was over and after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husain [AAH], she passed by the body of Imam al-Husain [AAH] and said "O Muhammad! This is Husain lying down in the open, your daughters captives, and your offspring murdered". Everyone cried, friend or foe, because of her words [AAH].

When she was taken to ibn zeyad and he wanted to kill Imam Ali Zain al-Abedin ibn Imam al-Husain [AAT], sayyda Zaynab [AAH] shouted at Zeyad saying "Enough, Ibn Zeyad, what you had of our blood. I ask you, by Allah, if you kill him, you kill me with him", so he left him.

She also said very daring words to Yazid ibn Moawiya that showed her courage and eloquence and left him speechless. And when he said some poetry that was said after the battle of Uhud, out of gloating for the killing of sayydi Hamza [AAH], she looked at him sharply, as he went out of his religion by doing that. She said to him "O Yazid! Allah is right and He said [Then evil was the consequence to those who dealt in evil, because they denied the revelations of Allah and made a mock of them]" al-Rom 30:10. Yazid was ashamed and ordered them to be sent to Medina.

She [AAH] used to call for love so that heart do not get burned with envy and grudge. She used to say her Grandfather's words [PPBUH] (Be ware of the shaver. I am not saying it shaves hair, but shaves the religion). This shaver is the envy, grudge, hatred, and bickering.

She [AAH] used to confirm to the audience in her sittings that flowers of the obedience are only watered with the tears of repentance and regret. She used to tell the women that the sins of today are the scorpions of tomorrow and the drunkenness of this worldly life is the flames of thirst in the desert of the Resurrection. She [AAH] used to teach them to be keen about the obligatory prayers, saying "Those who do the duty prayers are in the presence of Allah led by my Grandfather, al-Mostafa. So he sees Allah with the eyes of his head. That is why he said (the poles of my eyes were made in the prayers), and the ones who pray with him see their Lord with the eyes of their hearts, even if they do not feel it, as an act of mercy for them".

The money made of gold and silver used to be put under her legs and in front of her, but she never left her sitting unless she has distributed it among those who need it of the poor people. She used to see the poor people as doing her a favor. So when they come to her asking for help or something, she used to smile at them saying "Welcome, O you who are carrying my provisions to the hereafter without being reworded".

She entered Egypt on the first of Sa'ban of the year 61H, after Imam al-Husain passed away by no more than 6 months.

Her death [AAH]:

Our generous lady sayyda Zaynab [AAH] passed away on Sunday the 15th of Rajab the year 62H. She was buried in her room as she willed which is the current place of her honorable Maqam.

One of the righteous people said about her:

[I asked you, O Zaynab, daughter of the Imam

By Taha al-Mostafa, the perfect moon]

[the Messenger of Allah, the Lamp that glows the darkness,

To be generous to me daughter of the generous people]

[as your business is generosity and gifting]

May Allah accept our pure generous lady sayyda Zaynab the daughter of Bani Hashim, and may He bestows upon us her company in this life and the hereafter.


Edited by Samer al-Lil



تهنئة من مولانا الشيخ بمناسبة ليلة الإسراء والمعراج

28 يونيه 2011، ليلا

فى صفحة الأخبار من الموقع الرسمى

وكل عام وأنتم بكل خير

مجموعة التحرير (28/6/2011)

الإسراء والمعراج


عند بلوغ حضرة النبى عامه الخمسون وبالتحديد فى السنة العاشرة من النبوة توفى عمه سيد قريش (أبا طالب) ثم أعقبه وفاة (السيدة خديجة) ومن شدة حزنه صلوات ربى وسلامه عليه على عمه وزوجه سُمِّىَ هذا العام بـ (عام الحزن).

وظنت قريش أن بانتقال سيد قريش قد دانت لهم الفرصة للنيل من رسول الله ولكنه خرج ومعه مولاه زيد بن حارثة إلى الطائف يلتمس النصرة من ثقيف فلم يجد منهم غير أنهم سلطوا عبيدهم وسفهاءهم ليرموه بالحجارة حتى أدموا رباعيته، وهنا يدعو الحبيب دعاؤه الشهير:

اللهم إليك أشكو ضعف قوتى وقلة حيلتى وهوانى على الناس يا أرحم الراحمين، أنت أرحم الراحمين وأنت رب المستضعفين وأنت ربى، إلى من تكلنى؟ إلى عدو بعيد يتجهمنى أم إلى صديق قريب ملكته أمرى، إن لم يكن بك غضب علىّ فلا أبالى، غير أن عافيتك أوسع لى، أعوذ بنور وجهك الذى أشرقت له الظلمات وصلح عليه أمر الدنيا والآخرة أن ينزل بى غضبك أو يحل بى سخطك، ولك العتبى حتى ترضى ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بك.

فيهبط على الفور الأمين جبريل ومعه ملك الجبال لكى يستأذن الحبيب فى أن يطبق عليهم الأخشبين وهما جبال مكة، وهنا تتجلى الرحمة النبوية الصرفة فيرفض الحبيب قائلا: عسى أن يخرج من أصلابهم من يقول لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله، فيقول ملك الجبال صدق من سماك الرؤوف الرحيم.

وهنا يتجلى المولى تبارك وتعالى لدعوة حبيبه إليه ليسرى عنه ويذهب ما به من حزن، فأوحى إلى جبريل أن قف على أقدام عبوديتى واعترف بعز ربوبيتى وقدرتى، ها قد مننت عليك، فاسمع ما أوحيه إليك، فقال: إلهى أنت اللطيف وأنا الضعيف وأنت المقتدر وأنا المفتقر.

فقال تعالى: يا جبريل خذ علم الهداية وبراق العناية وخلعة القبول والولاية ولباس الرسالة، ومنطقة الجلالة، وانزل مع سبعين ألف ملك إلى باب شفيع الأمم، سيد العرب والعجم، الموصوف بالفضل والكرم، فقف ببابه ولُذ بجنابه، فأنت الليلة صاحب ركابه.

ويا ميكائيل خذ بيدك علم القبول وانزل فى سبعين ألف ملك إلى باب حجرة الرسول فأنت الليلة صاحب غاشيته والمندوب إلى خدمته.

ويا إسرافيل ويا عزرائيل افعلا كما فعلا جبريل وميكائيل، فكونوا الليلة مطرقين بين يدى سيد الأولين والآخرين.

يا جبريل زد من ضوء الشمس على ضوء القمر ومن القمر على نور الكواكب واجعلهما شمعتين بين يدى سيد الكونين.

فقال جبريل: إلهى هل قرب قيام الساعة؟ قال تعالى: لا، ولكن حبيب أُريد أن أقربه وأطلعه على الأسرار وأخلع عليه خلعة الضياء والأنوار وهو المصطفى المخصوص بالصدق والوفا، انزل إليه وقبل الأرض بين يديه، وكن له فى هذه الليلة خادما ولركابه ملازما.

فنزل إليه سيدنا جبريل بالبشر والتهانى وهو راقد فى بيت السيدة أم هانئ، فناداه: يا أيها النبى المختار قم إلى حضرة الكريم الغفار فإن الملائكة لك فى الانتظار، فقام على أقدام الأشواق، فأركبه جبريل البراق، فركبه وساق من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى وقطع سفر لا يعد ولا يحصى، وسارت الملائكة بين يديه وأكثروا من الصلاة والسلام عليه، ونادوه: أيها السيد الكريم والرسول العظيم التفت بنظرك إلينا وتفضل بحسن عطفك علينا.

وقال (عرج بى حتى ظهرت بمستوى أسمع فيه صريف الأقلام وهنا وقف جبريل، ثم زج بى فى النور فخرق لى سبعين ألف حجاب ليس فيها حجاب يشبه حجابا وانقطع عنى حس كل ملك وأنسى فلحقنى عند ذلك استيحاش فعند ذلك نادى مناد بلغة أبى بكر، فقال قف إن ربك يصلى فبينما أنا أتفكر فى ذلك فأقول هل سبقنى أبو بكر، فإذا النداء من العلى الأعلى: ادن يا أحمد، ادن يا محمد، ليدن الحبيب، فأدنانى ربى حتى كنت كما قال تعالى ﴿ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدلَّى فَكان قابَ قَوْسَيْنِ أَوْ أَدْنَى). النجم 8-9، والحديث أخرجه مسلم فى صحيحه عن أنس ك.الإيمان ب الإسراء برسول الله ح 263/163، 1/148 وصريف الأقلام أى صوت جريانها بما تكتبه من أقضية الله ووحيه وما ينتسخونه من اللوح المحفوظ، انظر النهاية لابن الأثير 2/260

ولما حضر صلوات ربى وسلامه عليه الحضرة الأزلية، وشرب بكاسات الصمدية أنارت طلعته الكائنات، فنودى ولم يُر أحد (الله حافظك ومولاك فاشكره على ما أولاك) قال فألهمت قول التحيات المباركات والصلوات والطيبات لله، فأُجبت: السلام عليك أيها النبى ورحمة الله وبركاته، فقلت السلام علينا وعلى عباد الله الصالحين، وبذلك أشركت إخوانى من الأنبياء وأمتى فيما خُصصت به من الفضل الوافر والثواب الباهر، وصدق الإمام فخر الدين حين قال:

سيدا لم تزل وغيرك زالوا    وجميعا إلى جنابك آلوا  (48/1)
وكريما ورحمة وإماما        وعظيما وليس فيك يقال 

وكان ذلك حين بلغ احدى وخمسين عاما وتسعة أشهر على أرجح الأقوال وقد أسرى به من بين زمزم والمقام إلى بيت المقدس، وشرح صدره بأمر الملك العلام، واستخرج قلبه فغسل بماء زمزم الشافى ثم أعيد مكانه، ثم أسرى به إلى أشرف مقام.


Mawlana Sheikh congratulates all brothers and sisters all over the world

for the night of Esra' and Me'raj

the 28th of June 2011, at night.


May Allah give us the blessings and goodness of this occasion for now and always.


Editorial Group (28 Jun 2011)

Esraa and Me'rag

When the Prophet [PPBUH] was fifty years old, and exactly in the tenth year of the prophecy, his uncle, the master of Quraish [Abo-Talib], died. A little later, his wife, sayyda Khadija, died too. The Prophet [PPBUH] was so sad for both of them that they called that year [the year of sadness].

Quraish thought that, with Abo-Talib dead, they would have a better chance to get the Prophet [PPBUH]. But the Prophet [PPBUH] went out, with his attendant Zayd ib Harithah, to at-Ta'if to ask for the help of the tribe of Thaqif. However, they did not give him any support, rather they provoked their kids to throw stones at him, until his front teeth was wounded. At that time the Prophet [PPBUH] said his famous words (O ye Allah! I complaint to You of my weakness, my lack of power, and being insignificant to people. You are the Most Merciful of all merciful ones, You are the Lord of the oppressed ones, and You are my Lord. To whom You leave me? To a distant enemy or to near friend you made him custodian over my affairs? If You do not have any wrath with me, then I do not care. Except that Your gift of health is wider for me. I take refuge in the Light of Your Face, which shined up the darkness and fixed the order of the worldly life and the hereafter, from being subjected to You wrath or fury. I accept Your admonition until You are satisfied and there is no power or authority except from You).

At that time Gabriel came down right away with the angel of the mountains, and they asked the permission of the Beloved [PPBUH] to bring the mountains of Maccah, al-Akhshadain, together over these polytheists. The Prophet's mercy [PPBUH] showed at that time when he refused saying (Maybe there will come out of their offspring someone who would say "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger") The angel of the mountains then said "He said the truth, He who called you the Gracious, the Merciful".

There Allah showed and invited His Beloved to visit Him so that He may give him pleasure and soothe his sadness. So Allah revealed to Gabriel [Stand by the feet of My slavery! Admit the Glory of My Lordship and My Power! I am gifting you, so listen to what I am revealing to you] Gabriel said "O my God! You are the All-Kind and I am the weak. You are the All-Capable and I am the needy".

Allah said [O Gabriel! Take the flag of guidance, the Boraq of care, the dress of acceptance and sainthood, the cloth of the Message, and the belt of majesty, and get down with 70 thousands angels to the door of the nations' intercessor, the master of the Arabs and the non-Arabs, and one described with the grace and the generosity. Stand by his door and go to his refuge, as you are today his fellow for his journey.

O Michael! Take in your hand the flag of acceptance and go down with 70 thousands angels to the door of the room of the Messenger, as you are tonight his companion for the night and the assigned one to serve him.

O You Israfil and Azrael! You do the same as Gabriel and Michael, and be humble tonight in the hands of the master of both the ancestors and the descendants.

O Gabriel! Increase the light from the sun to the moon and the light from the moon to the stars, and make them both as two candles in the hands of the master of the universes].

Gabriel said "O my God! Is it time for the judgment day"? Allah, Almighty said [No, but he is a beloved whom I want to get him closer, let him know the secrets, gift him with the dress of the shining and lights, as he is the chosen one who is gifted with the truth and loyalty. So go down to him, and kiss the ground between his hands, and be his servant and his inseparable companion tonight].

Sayydi Gabriel came down to him with the good tiding and the congratulation while he was lying down in sayyda Om-Hany's home. Gabriel called him "O Chosen Prophet! Come on to the presence of the All-Merciful, the All-Generous. The angels are waiting". The Prophet [PPBUH] stood on the feet of longing. Gabriel gave him al-Boraq to ride, so he did and they went from the Holly Masjid [al-Ka'ba] to Far Masjid [al-Aqsa]. He traveled a very far distance with uncountable sites. The angels walked in front of him, and prayed for him so much [PPBUH]. They called him "O Generous Master and Great Messenger! Turn to us with a look, and be gracious with your good kindness to us".

The Prophet [PPBUH] said (I was taken ascending until I was at a level were I could here the squeaking of the pens. At that point, Gabriel [PBUH] stopped. I was thrown in the light, and 70 thousands veils were pierced for me, whereas non of them was like the other. All the sounds of angels and humans were stopped, so I got the lonely feeling. Then I heard a caller with the sound of Abo-Bakr. The caller said "Stop! As your Lord is praying". Then, while I was thinking, 'Was Abo-Bakr here before me', the call from the Highness of the Highest came [Come closer, O Ahmed! Come closer, O Mohammad! Let the Beloved come closer!] So my Lord got me closer to him until I was as he said [Then he drew near, and he dangled ¤ Until he was at the chord of the two bows or closer]). An-Najm 53:8-9, and Hadith is narrated by Muslim (263/163, 1/148), and the squeaking of the pens is the sounds of writing the verdicts and the revelation of Allah and also what is copied from the "Preserved Board", see the End by Ibn al-Athir (2/260).

When the Prophet [PPBUH] entered into the Eternal Presence and drank from the cups of the Everlasting, his appearance lighted all the beings. He was called without seeing anyone "Allah is your keeper and he is your Lord, so thank him for what He gave you". The Prophet [PPBUH] said (I was inspired the words of: the blessed greetings, the prayers, and the delights are to Allah. I was answered "Peace be upon you, O, Prophet, and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings". I said: Peace be upon us and upon the righteous servants of Allah. This way I included my brothers, of the prophets and of my nation, in what was especially given to me of the bundled grace and stunning rewords).

In this context, Imam Fakhreddin said:

[A Master, and you are everlasting while others

terminated, and they all reverted to your court]

[and a generous one, a mercy, an Imam

a great one, and nothing can be said about you]

That was when the Prophet [PPBUH] reached the age of fifty one and nine months according to the best narrations. He was transported at night from between Zamzam and the stand of Ibrahim to the Holiness House [Jerusalem]. His bosom was delighted with the command of the All-Knowing King. His heart was extracted and washed with the healing water of Zamzam, and then replaced back in its place. The Prophet [PPBUH] was taken to the most honored rank.



تهنئة من مولانا الشيخ بمولد السيدة عائشة

من 2-16 يوليو 2011

فى صفحة الأخبار من الموقع الرسمى

وكل عام وأنتم بكل خير

تعريف بالسيدة عائشة من الموقع الرئيسى

مجموعة التحرير (12/7/2011)

Mawlana Sheikh congratulates all brothers and sisters all over the world

for the Mawlid of sayyda Aisha [AAH]

the 2nd to 16th of July 2011


May Allah give us the blessings and goodness of this occasion for now and always.


Editorial Group (12 Jul 2011)

Intro to sayyda Aisha [AAH]


She is sayyda Aisha [AAH] the daughter of Imam Jafar as-Sadiq ibn Imam Mohammad al-Baqer ibn Imam Ali Zain al-Abedin ibn sayydina Imam al-Husain ibn sayydina Imam Ali [AAT] all. Her Mother is sayyda Hamida [AAH], who is a descendant of sayydi Abo-Bakr as-Seddiq [AAH].

Her brother is Imam Mosa who was nicknamed "al-Kazim" which is an Arabic word with many meanings like: the great, the high ranked, the one and only, and the authority Imam. It also means the one who holds his anger.

She was raised within this atmosphere that is shining with the prophetic lights, to become a striving worshiper. She had some kind of coquetry with Allah. That is why it was told that she used to confidingly pray to her Lord saying:

I swear by Your Glory and Honor that if You put me in hell, I will take, in my hand, my commitment to Your Oneness and go around the people of the hell, saying: I was committed to His Oneness, but He torture me.

This confiding prayer did only show that she was so close to Allah, with high expectation of Him, Almighty, so much that she had some kind of coquetry with Him, Almighty. So may Allah accept her, her father, her mother, her brother, and all the people of the house [Ahl-al-Bait].

She passed away [AAH] in the year 145H. She has a big shrine and a Masjid in al-Qal'a [the citadel] in safeguarded Egypt.



تهنئة من مولانا الشيخ بليلة النصف من شعبان

ليلة 15 يوليو 2011

فى صفحة الأخبار من الموقع الرسمى

وكل عام وأنتم بكل خير

مقالة عن هذه الليلة من الموقع الرئيسى

مجموعة التحرير (12/7/2011)

Mawlana Sheikh congratulates all brothers and sisters all over the world

for the night of mid Sha'ban

the 15th of July 2011, at night


May Allah give us the blessings and goodness of this occasion for now and always.


Editorial Group (12 Jul 2011)

The night of mid Sha'ban


Allah, Almighty, says [Lo! We sent it down on a blessed night - Lo! We are ever warning ¤ Whereon every wise affair is made distinct] ad-Dukhan 44:3-4. It was said that this verse is about the night of mid Sha'ban.

It was narrated that a man came to sayydi Abdullah ibn Abbas [AAT], and said to him "Allah said [Lo! We revealed it on the night of Qadr (the night of destiny)] al-Qadr 97:1. So how is it that the Qur'an was revealed in the night of Qadr, yet it was revealed piece by piece to the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]?" Sayydi Abdullah ibn al-Abbas [AAT] said "Allah, Almighty, sent Qur'an down from the Inhabited House to the 7th heaven on the night of Qadr, then sent it down to the 1st heaven on the night of mid Sha'ban, then it was revealed to the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] piece by piece".

The expert in Islam, Imam al-Ghazaly, said that this night, of mid Sha'ban, is called the night of intercession. It was narrated that the Beloved Prophet [PPBUH] asked Allah, on the night of the 13th of Sha'ban, the intercession for his nation, so Allah gave him one third of them. Then the Prophet [PPBUH] asked Him again on the night of the 14th, Allah gave him another third of the nation. Then the Prophet [PPBUH] asked Allah again on the night of the 15th, so Allah gave him the whole nation. That is why it was called the night of intercession.

One of the main events of this night is the transfer of the Qibla. This was in the 2nd year of Hijra. This was a very important event and a great giving to Muslims, as it was never given to any other nation before them. As that 2nd Qibla was the Ka'ba, the one they make Hajj to, however they were facing the Qibla of the former prophets, which the House of Holiness [Jerusalem]. But Allah honored His Chosen Prophet [PPBUH] when he said [We have seen your face turning in the heaven, surely We shall turn you to a Qibla that shall please you, so turn your face to the Sacred Masjid, and wherever you are turn your faces in its direction. Certainly those, who have been given the Scripture, know well that it is the truth from their Lord. Allah is not unaware of what they do] al-Baqarah 2:144. This means that this turning of the Qibla was but to realize the wish of the Prophet [PPBUH] and to honor and distinguish him over all the prophets, and why not? Is not he the final and the greatest Prophet [PPBUH]. This event was a big blow to the hypocrites, where many of them turned over and apostatized, and whoever did that did not harm but himself. As for those who believed, their faith was increased and fortified. This is the Sunna of Allah in His creation, and it is never to be altered or changes.

It was transferred that Allah, Almighty has on this night as many pardoned people as the hair of the sheep of Bani Kulaib. [Bani Kulaib used to have so many sheep].

The Prophet [PPBUH] said (When the night if mid Sha'ban comes the angel of death gets a copy of all those who are going to die from Sha'ban to the next Sha'ban. A servant would be planting a plant, getting married, or building a great building, while his name is copied in the list of the dead, and the angel of death is but waiting for the order to take his soul).

The Prophet [PPBUH] said also (Whosoever revived the two nights of: the feast and mid Sha'ban, will have an alive heart when the hearts die), To revive the night is worship Allah through it.

The month of Sha'ban has a specialty among other months, which is being the month of the Prophet [PPBUH]. Sayyda Aisha [AAH] said "The Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] used fast until we would say: He is not going to break it, and to leave fast, until we would say: He is not going to fast. He has never completed the fasting of a month, except Ramadan, and he was never more fasting in any other month except in Sha'ban". Usama narrated "I said O, Messenger of Allah! I never saw your more fasting in any other month than Sha'ban" The Prophet said (That is a month that people tend to neglect it, between Ragab and Ramadan. While it is a month during which the deeds of the people are raised to the Lord of the worlds, and I like to have my deeds raised while I am fasting). He [PPBUH] also said (Ragab is the month of Allah, Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my nation). He [PPBUH] also said (Sha'ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of Allah. Sha'ban is the purifyer and Ramadan is the redeemer of remission).



About the Ten Days of Duel-Hijja and the Day of Arafa


[Hajj in in its appearance is a an honoring                                         

                       and His House is the house of Hu with no showing] 33/2

The Prophet [PPBUH] said (Whoever fasted on the day of watering, Allah would give him a reword like the one Ayyoub [PBUH] had for his patience. And whoever fasted on the day of Arafa, Allah would give him a reword like that of Essa [PBUH]). And I saw in the driver of the pure hearts (whoever fasted on the day of Arafa, Allah will forgive all his sins in his past or future), this means a year passed and a year to come. It was said that there is no worship that expiate for the Muslim his future sin except the fasting of Arafa.

Ar-Razi said: the eights day of Duel-Hijja is called the watering day. An-Nasafi said: That is because people fill their water bottles to be ready for climbing the mountain of Arafa. They also said it is because sayydi Ibrahim [PBUH] saw the dream from Allah for slaughtering his son. [the words in Arabic are very close].

Anas said: the fasting of any day of the ten days equals the fasting of a thousand days, and the fasting of Arafa day equals the fasting of ten thousands days. And whoever asks Allah any need for the worldly life or the hereafter, He would give it to him.

Aisha [AAH] said that the Prophet [PPBUH] said (Paradise has palaces of pearls, ruby, aquamarine, gold, and silver). Aisha said: for whom are these, Oh, Messenger of Allah? He said (For whoever fasts on the day of Arafa. Oh, Aisha, whoever started the morning of Arafa while he is fasting, Allah will open for him thirty door of goodness, and close for him thirty doors of evil. Then when he breaks his fasting, every vein in his body will ask forgiveness for him).

Allah granted His Beloved Prophet [PPBUH] the fasting of this day as he granted four of His prophets gifts on the same day:

- Sayydi Adam [PBUH] was reworded the acceptance of his repentance.

- Sayydi Moses [PBUH] was was reworded the talking and intimate prayer to Allah on the mountain of Tour.

- Sayydi Ibrahim and sayydi Ismail [PBUT] were reworded the redemption with the sheep.

- And our beloved Prophet, the Master of the messengers and the prophets, and the one sent for mercy to people of all worlds, was reworded the great Hajj.

About the greatness of this day, the beloved Prophet [PPBUH] said (There is no day better than the day of Arafa, Allah boasts of the people of earth to the people of heaven. He would say: Look at My worshiper servants. They came to me, dusty and unkempt, from every far away country, hoping for My mercy and fearing My punishment. You be witnesses for My forgiveness to them). at-Tabarani.

Mercy would be bound only to those who go to Arafa, but would extend to all beleivers. Listen to the Prophet [PPBUH] saying (Allah lokks at His servants on the day of Arafa, then He lets no one with a whit of belief unless He forgave him). They asked the narrator: Was that for all people or for the people standing on mountain of Arafa alone? He said: No, it is for all people. So we should seize this opportunity and give this day the right worship.

Sayyda Om-Salama [AAH] said: What a great day, the day of Arafa is! It is a day of goodness and blessings and a day of forgiveness and mercy. Whoever fasts that day, Allah will give him a share of the reword of the people attending Arafa, and will keep him away from hell by seventy years' walk.


Editorial Group


Sayydi Ali Zain al-Abedin [AAH]

and his son Imam Zaid [AAH]


He is the Imam Ali the Younger, and he is known as Abu Muhammed, and his title is Zein al Aabideen. His father is Maulana the Imam Al Hussien ibn Ali may Allah accept with them all.

Al Minawi says in his book “Tabaqat”that Al Hussien was bestowed with five children, and they are Ali al-Akber [the elder], Ali al-Asqer [the younger], Ja’fer, Fatima, and Sakina, who was buried at al-Maraqa, near sayyda Nafisa. This was also given in the book “Tabaqat al-Sha’rani” by Imam al-Sha’rani, who added that Ali the younger was Zain al-Abedin, and many scholars said that he had six children, and added Abdullah. Ali The Elder was killed in battle with his father, and  Ali the younger was ill at Karballa, and  he returned to Macca. Ja’fer was said to have died in the lifetime of his father, and Abdullah was hit by an arrow at Karballa while still a child, and died. Fatima married her cousin al-Hassan al-Muthan’na [the second], and then to Abdullah ibn Amro ibn Osman ibn Affan, and gave children to both of them. Sayyda Sakina never got married, may Allah accept them all.

Siddi Ali Zain al-Aabideen’s mother was sayyda Sulafa, and her name in Persian was Shah Zinan, which means the queen of all women, the daughter of Yazdjerd the son of Ano Sharwan, the king of the Persians.

Imam Zain was very knowledgeable, like his father, grandfather, and all the rest of the family of the Prophet [PPBUH], may Allah be pleased with them all. Imam said of himself:

I hide of my knowledge it’s richest groves                             

                            So as not to throw into trial a foolish man

In this same vein, it was said to Imam Ali [AHHF] that the Torah was explained in seventy books, so he replied that if Allah gives him the permission, he would load from the knowledge he has about the Fatiha of the Qur’an alone seventy camels’ worth of books. then when he finished speaking, his son Imam al-Hussien asked him about this explaination of the Fatiha-known as Tafsir al-Buttoon [the explaination of the inner meanings], and Imam Ali answered his son with what he knew. When the news about this reached sayydi Ali Zain al-Abedin, he asked Maulana al-Hussien about it. Then he wrote a book called Mera’at al-Arifein Fi Multamas Ali Zain al-Abedin [The true reflection of the meanings sought by Ali Zain al Abedin], a book written as a narration from the Lord of Martyrs [sayid al-Shuhada’]. Knowledge flowing from his father sayydi Imam Ali, through him, to his son. The book is to be found at the Egyptian Library along with two other manuscripts under the serial number B 3187/2993/1940.

Sayydi Ali Zain al-Abedin was the first to do the intercession with the prayers upon the Prophet [PPBUH], and he has seven intercessionary prayers, one is for curing illness, another is useful for legal affairs, one is for easing livelyhood matters, and another for providence and acceptance, and so on.

The shrine of Imam Zain al-Abedin, which is located in Cairo’s Zain al-Aabideen district, is actually the shrine of his son, sayydi Zaid, who was killed in battle at the age of forty two, and his body was exhumed by his enemies, and his head was cut-off, and his body was crucified. His head was bought for ten thousand dirhims by Hisham ibn Abdulmalik, who sent it to Medina, and then to Egypt, where it was re-buried at it’s present location, in a shrine known by the name of his father, who is actually burried in Medina’s Baqi’ cemetry. But the two Mawlids are held jointly for the two Imams, father, and son. and Imam Ali is to be rightly visited there till now.



وَيُحْمَدُ عِنْدَ اللهِ عَبْدٌ مُجَاهِدٌ


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وبعد:

فهذا هو شعار العام فى ذكرى مولد العارف بالله وإمام عصره مولانا الإمام فخر الدين السيد محمد عثمان عبده البرهانى وأرضانا به أجمعين وهو يحمل لنا معانى عظيمة ندعوا الله عز وجل بمنّه وكرمه أن تكون من نصيبنا، وهذا الشعار هو الشطر الأول من البيت السابع والثلاثين فى القصيدة الرابعة عشر من ديوان شراب الوصل والذى يقول:

وَيُحْمَدُ عِنْدَ اللهِ عَبْدٌ مُجَاهِدٌ       وَذُو جَلَدٍ فِى كُلِّ أَمْرٍ مُكَابِدِ (14/37)

فالبيت يحدثنا عن المجاهدة والتى يحمد صاحبها عند الله، فالحمد كما جاء فى اللسان نقيض الذم وقيل: الحمد هو الشكر والحمد: الثناء، والحميد: من أسماء الله تعالى وصفاته بمعنى المحمود، والحمد والشكر متقاربان إلا أن الحمد أعم لأنك تحمد الإنسان على صفاته الذاتية وعلى عطائه ولا تشكره على صفاته ومنه الحديث (الحمد رأس الشكر) ومما جاء فى القرآن على سبيل الشريعة الحمد لله فى فاتحة الكتاب يقول الإمام الطبرى ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ﴾ الفاتحة 2،

قال أبو جعفر: ومعنى ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ﴾: الشكر خالصاً لله جل ثناؤه وقال الإمام ابن كثير مثل هذا وأما الماوردى فيقول: أما ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ﴾ فهو الثناء على المحمود بجميل صفاته وأفعاله، والشكرُ: الثناء عليه بإنعامه، فكلُّ شكرٍ حمدٌ وليسَ كلُّ حمدٍ شكراً، ويقول القشيرى: ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ﴾ حقيقة الحمد الثناء على المحمود، بذكر نعوته الجليلة وأفعاله الجميلة، ويقول التسترى: معنى ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ﴾ الشكر لله، فالشكر لله هو الطاعة لله، والطاعة لله هى الولاية من الله تعالى كما قال الله تعالى ﴿إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ الله وَرَسُولُهُ والذين آمَنُواْ﴾ المائدة:55،

ويقول ابن عجيبة وعن الأئمة أجمعين: ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ﴾ الفاتحة 2، أى: الثناء الجميل إنما يستحقه العظيم الجليل، فلا يستحق الحمدَ سواه، إذ لا منعم على الحقيقة إلا الله، ﴿وَمَا بِكُم مِّن نِّعْمَةٍ فَمِنَ اللهِ﴾ النّحل 53، أو جميعُ المحامدِ كلُّها لله، أو الحمدُ المعهودُ فى الأذهان هو حمدُ الله تعالى نفسَه فى أزله، قبل أن يُوجِدَ خلقّه، فلما أوجد خلقه قال لهم: الحمد لله، أى: احْمَدُونى بذلك المعهود فى الأزل.

ومن معانى الحقيقة لابن عربى : ﴿الْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ﴾ الحمد بالفعل ولسان الحال هو ظهور الكمالات وحصول الغايات من الأشياء إذ هى أثنية فاتحة ومِدح رائعة لموليها بما يستحقه فالموجودات كلها بخصوصياتها وخواصها، وتوجهها إلى غاياتها، وإخراج كمالاتها من حيز القوّة إلى الفعل، مسبحة، حامدة، كما قال تعالى ﴿وَإِن مِّن شَىْءٍ إِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدَهِ﴾ الإسراء 44، أ هـ.

ويفهم من ذلك أن الله عندما يظهر كمال الشىء فهذا تحميد للشىء راجع هذا الحمد إلى صانعه سبحانه وتعالى، فعندما يُحمد عند الله عبد أى أن الله يحمّده فإنه سبحانه يجعل له نصيباً من الكمالات الإلهية من صفاته وأسمائه عز وجل كل على قدر جهاده فبسمعه يسمع، وببصره يبصر، وهكذا حتى يكون عبداً ربانياً كما قال الحديث وكما تقول الآية الكريمة ﴿كُونُوا رَبَّانِيِّينَ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تُعَلِّمُونَ الْكِتَابَ وَبِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَدْرُسُونَ﴾ آل عمران 79،

وأما المجاهدة التى بسببها يُحمد العبد فقد أورد لنا المصطفى حديثاً قال فيه (الجهاد جهادان وأفضلهما جهاد النفس) يقول ابن كثير: الجهاد جهادان وأفضلهما جهاد النفس، ويقول القرطبى: جهاد النفس وقمعها عن شهواتها ومنعها من تطاولها هو من أخلاق الأنبياء والصالحين، ويقول النيسابورى: ﴿اسْتَعِينُوا بِاللهِ وَاصْبِرُوا﴾ الأعراف 128، على جهاد النفس ومخالفتها ومتابعة الحق، وجاء بتفسير الخازن: قوله (من قاتل لتكون كلمة الله هى العليا فهو فى سبيل الله) أخرجاه فى الصحيحين من حديث أبى موسى الأشعرى،

وقيل مجاهدة النفس والهوى هو حق الجهاد وهو الجهاد الأكبر روى أنّ النبى لما رجع من غزوة تبوك قال (رجعنا من الجهاد الأصغر إلى الجهاد الأكبر) ذكره البغوى بغير سند قيل: أراد بالأصغر جهاد الكفار وبالأكبر جهاد النفس، ويقول التسترى: ﴿إِنَّ الذين آمَنُواْ وَهَاجَرُواْ وَجَاهَدُواْ بِأَمْوَالِهِمْ وَأَنْفُسِهِمْ﴾ الأنفال 72، قال: جميع الطاعات لله جهاد النفس، وليس جهاد أسهل من جهاد السيف، ولا جهاد أشد من مخالفة النفس، ويقول ابن عجيبه وعن الجميع: الجهاد على قسمين: جهاد أصغر وهو جهاد السيف، وجهاد أكبر وهو جهاد النفس، فيجاهدها أولاً: فى القيام بجميع المأمورات، وترك جميع المنهيات، ثم يجاهدها ثانياً: فى ترك العوائد والشهوات، ومجانبة الرخص والتأويلات، ثم يجاهدها ثالثاً: فى ترك التدبير والاختيار، والسكون تحت مجارى الأقدار، حتى لا تختار إلا ما اختار الحق تعالى لها، ولا تشتهى إلا مايقضى الله عليها، فإن النفس جاهلة بالعواقب، فعسى أن تكره شيئاً وهو خير لها، وعسى أن تحب شيئاً وهو شر لها، أ ه.

وننوه أيضاً إلى أن البعض يعتقد أن بعد الفتح لا يوجد جهاد وهذا فهم خاطىء لان المولى تبارك وتعالى يقول ﴿لَا يَسْتَوِي مِنْكُمْ مَنْ أَنْفَقَ مِنْ قَبْلِ الْفَتْحِ وَقَاتَلَ أُولَئِكَ أَعْظَمُ دَرَجَةً مِنَ الَّذِينَ أَنْفَقُوا مِنْ بَعْدُ وَقَاتَلُوا وَكُلًّا وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الْحُسْنَى وَاللهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرٌ﴾ الحديد 10، وفى هذا دليل على استمرار الجهاد ولكن قبل الفتح يكون أصعب لذلك كانت درجات المجاهدين قبل الفتح أعظم درجة عند الله وكلاً وعد الله الحسنى فلا راحة بعد الفتح من الجهاد ولكن لا ترتاح النفس إلا بالجهاد ولا مشاهدة إلا بالمجاهدة حتى أن الشيخ كان يستعذب البلوى وهو القائل :

لَعَلَّ اللهَ يُحْدِثُ بَعْدَ هَذَا       أُمُورًا حَيْثُ أَهْلُ الْعِلْمِ حَارُوا (31/18)

فَإِنَّ النَّارَ لِلْمَوْصُولِ نُــــورُ        وَإِنَّ النُّورَ لِلْمَقْطُوعِ نَــــــــــــــــارُ (31/19)

فإن رأيت المقطوع فى نعمة فهى فى الحقيقة نقمة عليه وعذاب يوم القيامة وإن رأيت الموصول فى حال تحتاج الى الصبر والمجاهدة فهو فى الحقيقة راض يتنعم فى رضوان الله فى الدنيا والآخرة.

ونرى أن للبيت ارتباط لما قبله من أبيات وقبل الدخول فيها نذكركم ببيت يقول فيه :

وَلَيْسَ مُرِيدِى مَنْ عَشَى عَنْ كَلَامِنَا       ولا قائلٌ للنفسِ يا نفسُ مالكِ (10/6)

فكلام الشيخ المُربّى هو الذى يعين على قتل الأنفس فمطالعته وتدارسه واستخراج علومه أمر فى غاية الأهمية فى هذا العصر الذى كثر فيه الإنكار والبعد عن جوهر الدين وقد كثرت الفتاوى بدون علم فالجهاد فى تحصيل علوم سيدى فخر الدين من أعظم الجهاد وإذا نظرنا فى البيت السابق للشعار الذى نحن بصدده نجده يقول:

وَأَىُّ عُلُومٍ كُرْبَةٌ تَنْجَلِى بِهَا        وَقَدْ جَهِلَ الْمُفْتُونَ فَضْلِى وَمَحْتَدِى (14/36)

فإن علوم الشيخ حقائق من الحق ثابتة لا تتبدل ولا تتغير فمهما أفتى المُفتون وهم بعيدين عن هذه الحقائق الثابتة التى لا يعرفها إلا الأولياء فلا جدوى ولا علاج ولا تفريج للكرب لذلك فالجهاد فى تحصيل هذه العلوم جهاد عظيم ومحمود صاحبه عند الله لأن هذه العلوم هى التى سوف تنفرج بها الكروب وتنزاح بها الهموم وتُقتل الأنفس وهذ الجهاد هو مااشتغل به السادة الصوفية وشغلوا به مريديهم حتى ترقوا فى حمد الله فحمّدهم الله حتى تخلقوا بأخلاقه عز وجل نفعنا الله بهم وبتربيتهم حتى يرضَى عنا فيحمّدنا ويُخلّقنا بأخلاقه تعالى آمين وكل عام وأنتم بخير.

وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

محمد مقبول



[He will be praised by Allah, who is a striving servant] 14/37


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, and prayers be to our Master Mohammad and his family and companions, all together. So:

This is the motto of the Hawliya this year, in the memory of the knowledgeable scholar, the Imam of his era, Mawlana, Fakhreddin, Mohamed Osman Abdu al-Burhany [AAH], and please us all for his sake. This motto carry great meanings for us, which we ask Allah to grant us with His Grace and Generosity. This motto is the first half of the 37th verse of the 14th qasida of divan "Sharab al-Wasl", which says:

[He will be praised by Allah, who is a striving servant

and who has patience and suffers for every hardship] 14/37

The verse talks about the strive that makes its doer praised by Allah. Praising as in the Arabic dictionary is the opposite of censure. It is also said that praising is thanking. Also praising is commending. The Most Praised is one of the names of Allah and one of His Merits, which means the One who is praised. Praising and thanking are close, except that praising is more general, as you praise someone for his self qualities and his giving, but you do not thank him for his qualities. From that the Hadith (Praising is the head of thanking). In Qur'an, from point of view of Shari'a, [Praising is to Allah] al-Fateha 1:2. Imam al-Tabary says about [Thanks are to Allah] that Abo-Gafar said: the meaning of [Praising is to Allah]: thanking is purely for Allah, Almighty.

Imam ibn Kathir said something like that also. However, Al-Mawardy said: as for [Praising is to Allah], it is the commending of His Graceful Qualities and deeds, and thanking is commending Him for His gifts. So every thanking is praising but not every praising is thanking. Al-Qushairy said: [Praising is to Allah], the reality of praising is the commending of the praised one by mentioning his high merits and his graceful deeds. At-Tasattury said: the meaning of [Praising is to Allah] is "the thanks are to Allah", as the thanking for Allah is the obedience for Him. And the obedience for Allah is the guardianship of Allah, as Allah said [Your guardian can be only Allah; and His messenger and those who believe] al-Ma'ida 5:55.

Ibn Ageiba [AAH] said: [Praising is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds] al-Fateha 1:2, means the beautiful commending which is deserved by the Great Almighty, as no one else deserves praising. Because no one but Allah, in reality, is a gift giving. [And whatever of grace you enjoy, it is from Allah] an-Nahl 16:53. Or all praising are for Allah. Or the praising that is known in minds, is the praising of Allah, Almighty, for Himself before eternity, before He made the creation. So when He made the creation, He said to them [Praising is to Allah], i.e. praise Me as it was done before eternity.

From the truth meanings by ibn Araby [AAH]: [Praising is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds], the praising is by the deeds, and the circumstantial expression is the showing of the perfections and the obtainment of the purposes from the things. As these are opened commendations and great praising for its Giver for what He deserves. As all the existents with all its specialties, its qualities, its directing to its purposes, and the bringing out of its perfections from the power to the deeds, all these existents are praising and glorifying. As Allah said [and there is not a thing but hymns His praise] al-Esraa 17:44. end of his speech.

From this we understand that Allah, when He shows the perfection of something, this will cause praising for that thing, which in fact returns to His creator, Almighty. So when some servant is praised by Allah, i.e. Allah gives him a share of the godly perfection, from His names and His merits, everyone as much as his strive. So with Allah's Hearing he hears, and with His Sight he sees, and so on until he becomes a lordly servant. As the Hadith said and as the Qur'anic verse says [Be you lordly servants by virtue of your constant teaching of the Scripture and of your constant study thereof] Aal-Emran 3:79.

As for the Jihad [strive] that causes the praise for the servant, about which the Prophet [PPBUH] said (the Jihad is two and the best of them is the Jihad of the self). Ibn Kathir said the same, and al-Qurtuby said: the Jihad of the self and its restraining from its desires and preventing from the upraising, is from the merits of the prophets and the righteous people. Al-Niasaboury said: [Seek help in Allah and be patient] al-Aaraf 7:128, is about the Jihad of the self and its opposition and the following of the truth. In the interpretation of al-Khazin, he said: the words of the Prophet [PPBUH] (whoever fights to get high the Words of Allah, he will be for the sake of Allah). narrated in the two Sahihs from the Hadith of Abo-Mosa al-Ash'ary.

It was said that the Jihad of the self and subjectivity is the true Jihad, and it is the greater one. It was narrated that when the Prophet [PPBUH] returned back from the conquest of Tabouk, he said (We have returned from the smaller Jihad to the greater one). Mentioned by the Baghwy without ascription. It was said that he meant by the smaller one; the Jihad of the polytheists, whereas the greater one is the Jihad of the self. At-Tasattury said: [Lo! those who believed and immigrated and strove with their wealth and their lives] al-Anfal 8:72. He said: all the obedience for Allah are Jihad of the self, and that there is no Jihad easier than the Jihad of the sword, and there is no Jihad harder than the opposition of the self. Ibn Ageiba said [AAH]: Jihad is two divisions: a smaller one which the Jihad of the sword, and a greater one which is the Jihad of the self. So he strives against it firstly: by doing all the duties and abstaining from all the forbidden things. Then he strives against it secondly: by leaving his customs and desires and avoiding the concessions and constructions. Then he strives against it thirdly: by leaving the arranging and choice, and living under the hands of the destiny. In order not to choose anything other than what Allah chose for it, and not to desire except what Allah imposed for it. As the self is ignorant of the consequences, and it may hate something while it is good for it, or love something while it is bad for it. End of his speech.

We also want to say that some people think that when the "Fath" [the granting of victory or success from Allah] comes, there will be no Jihad, which is wrong understanding. As Allah says [Those who spent and fought before the Fath are not upon the same level. Such are greater in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards. Unto each has Allah promised good. And Allah is Most Informed of what you do] al-Hadid 57:10. this is an evidence of the continuation of Jihad, but before the Fath it is harder, that is why the ranks of those who did Jihad before Fath are greater for Allah. But Allah promised both goodness. So no relief for the self except in Jihad and there is no witnessing except by Jihad. Even the sheikh enjoyed the trial. He said:

[May Allah after that brings out

matters where the people of knowledge became puzzled] 31/18

[as the fire is light for the connected          

And light is fire for the disconnected] 31/19

So if you see a disconnected one in a grace, it is in fact a resentment for him and a torture in the hereafter. And if you see a connected one in a condition that needs patience and Jihad, he is actually enjoying the pleasing and acceptance of Allah, in the worldly life and the hearafter.

We can see that this verse is connected to the ones before it. But before that we want to remind you of the verse that says:

[he is not my seeker, he who becomes blind from our words

Nor the one who says to himself: what do you care!] 10/6

So the words of the sheikh who raises his seekers, is what helps them kill themselves. So reading it and digging out its knowledge is very important in our time, in which denial and getting far away from the essence of the religion has increased. So did the Fatwa without knowledge. Then the Jihad in learning the knowledge of Imam Fakhreddin is of the greatest Jihad. If we looked into the previous verse to that of the motto, we find it saying:

[what knowledge would clear an anguish

when the people of Fatwa do not know my credit and my descent] 14/36

So the knowledge of the sheikh [AAH] are facts from Allah fixed and does not change or alter, so no matter what the people of Fatwa say while they are away from these facts that are only known by the people of Allah. So no way they can find cure or clear anguish. That is why the Jihad in learning this knowledge is a great Jihad and praised by Allah, because this is the knowledge that dispels the grief, drives away the worries, and kills the selves. That is what kept the people of Allah busy and what they occupied the time of their seekers with, until they ascended in the praising of Allah. Then He praised them until they got some of His Merits. May Allah benefit us from them and their raising until He accepts us and praises us and gives us of His Merits. Amen.

And Happy new year for all of you. And Prayers and Peace be upon sayyduna Mohammad and his family and companions, all together.


Written by Mohamed Maqboul

Translated by Sameh




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