'Let it be known that Allah's people always do good deeds' (qasida 62:11) This is the motto of this section, which is for talking about the the people of Allah who are the people who are constantly preoccupied with Allah You can find all special expressions in the Glossary. We need your comments to develop this site for you.
We talked last issue about envy as one of the most dispraised habits. We also talked about the envier and what would be prepared for him of torture due to his envy, disobedience for Allah Almighty's orders, and for not having the good manners that keeps us away from such bad dispraised manners. One of the good manners, that makes us invulnerable to envy, is what Allah described about the companions of the generous Messenger, sayyduna Mohammad [PPBUH], where He says [and those who had established their home in this city before them and had accepted faith, love those who immigrated to them, and find not in their breasts any desire for that which is given them, but prefer the refugees to themselves, even though poverty be their own lot. And whoso is rid of the covetousness of his own self, it is these who will be successful] al-Hashr 59:9. These are their attributes; all of them. This verse was descended for Ansar, people of Madina. Allah first described them by [love those who immigrated to them]. Love is a noble meaning that takes man away from vice to virtue. Love made Ansar share equally with Muhajirin [the immigrants] their money, their homes and even wives for those who had two wives. So one Ansar would divorce one of his wives for one of Muhajirin to marry her. This love in the hearts of Ansar, to their brothers Muhajirin, came because of their immigration, their love for faith and support for religion.
This verse indicates the purity of their hearts and the generosity of their selves. This was the description of all the Prophet's companions. With these two attributes, they excelled all other people. These are also the manners of the Imams of Sufi people of Allah at all times. What good manners! If people nowadays entertain those attributes, no man will be hungry or poor. But the cursed Satan doesn't leave man alone. By time, he took us away from these two attributes which would have left no place for envy, hatred, or enmity among us. Preferring your brother to yourself closes in front of Satan a very important door. The door is: why do not I have what my brother has? These were the companions of the best human being; the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH]'s companions, giving an example of self-denial to all human beings. So did we get their advice?!
Al-Imam Al-Sayouti wrote, in Jama' al-Jawami', a speech narrated by ibn Mas'oud: The Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] said (Be careful of arrogance! It was the reason Satan refused to fall prostrate to Adam. Be careful of greediness! It was the reason Adam ate from the tree. Be careful of envy! It was the reason Adam's son killed his brother. These are the root of all sins).
Abo Bakr ibn Abdullah narrated that there was a man
who used to come
to a king,
stand in front of him and say "Reword
whoever is good to you,
by being good to him. But don't punish
whoever is bad to you, as his badness
will do that for you"! Another man envied this man for his speech
and his standing with the king,
so he went to the king and said "the man who
stands before you
and say those words is saying
that your mouth has a bad
smell". The king wondered how this could be true.
The envier said "Bring him close to you, and you
will see him put his hand over his mouth in order
not to smell your bad mouth smell". The
king told the eniver
to leave until he see that, so he left
the king, invited the man to his house and
introduced to him some food that contained garlic. The man left
and went to the king as usual,
and said his words "Reword
whoever is good to you,
by being good to him. But don't punish
whoever is bad to you, as his badness
will do that for you"! The king asked
him to get closer, so the man put his hand over his
mouth in order for the king not to smell the garlic.
This made the king believe what was said to him. The
king, who used not write with his
hand anything but a reword, wrote with his hand a letter
and gave it to him
and told him to
give it to one of his servants.
The king wrote in the letter "If
the carrier of this letter comes to you, slaughter
him, skin him, stuff his skin with hay, and send it
back to me". The man left, carrying the
letter, and, on his way, he met the envier who asked
about what he was
See where envy led the envier to! May Allah save us from envy and all the bad things.
Written by Abdel-Sattar al-Feqy Translated by Nahed Aboel-Hasan
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